Chapter 3

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"Why aren't you asking anything? Do you just blindly trust me not to harm you?" The Alpha looked at the omega whi was calmly seated beside him.

"Not blindly." Taehyung looked at him directly in his eyes, which Jungkook still needs to get used to. Aside from his closest friends and family, no one else has looked him in the eyes without cowering. "We are wolves Jungkook-ssi, and we may lose our ability to transform into our own wolf form, but we still are. And I trust my omega and instincts."

"Let's see where your instincts take you, princess."

"Wherever it is, as long as you are there Alpha." Taehyung winked at him. "As long as you are there with me." He whispered as his gaze went back to the car's window watching daylight turn to busy city lights then turn into few street lights, still Taehyung didn't show any signs of anxiousness.

"Wouldn't your family object when their eldest son courts a « regular citizen » a decade older at that? What would your friends and peers think about you?"

"I don't really care about my peers, or anyone else's opinion. I keep my circle small with people I trust. In the world I live in, only a few are really genuine and I don't mind having my few but true people around me. My real friends would be happy for me. They trust me and my choices."

He adjusted his position to face the pha completely ans continued, "Furthermore, I am an adult, and my parents taught us not to measure a person's worth based on their social status or age. Also, Jungkook-ssi, a regular person who owns a coffee shop doesn't ride a Mercedes-Benz S-class with a driver, and guards following him. I have met your brothers-in-law and I know the company they work for. I wouldn't even be surprised if you are the anonymous Chairman « JungKook », of « JK » Express." He gestured his middle and index fingers on the air as quotations, emphasizing on the Alpha's name and the company's. "Who also owns GCF. But it doesn't matter to me whether I am right or wrong on my assumptions, I liked the nameless you the first time I saw you. That's how much I am into you, whoever you are, whatever you do, it all comes second."

"Bold and smart." Jungkook whispered. "But there's more to it sweetheart. You will find out soon anyway. Why don't you enjoy the view? It will take us more time before we arrive at our destination."

The omega just hummed, but just closed his eyes. It's not like there is a view to enjoy anyway, there were just dark roads, trees and few scattered street lights.

It was dark when they arrived at their destination, and Taehyung was silently sleeping when the Alpha looked at him. « You're really something else, Kim Taehyung. How could you just sleep in someone else's car and not even know where we were going? »

His men lined up immediately upon seeing their boss's car. "HYUNGNIM!" They all greeted him when Namjoon opened his side of the door as they bowed like it was part of their DNA. They were puzzled when the Alpha instead of walking straight to the manor walked around to the other side of the car and opened it gently, crouching as he woke up someone he was seated with.

When there was no sign of Jungkook acknowledging them, "At ease." Namjoon told them who immediately stood straight. Though their bodies stood stiff and alert, their eyes couldn't hide their bewilderment when a beautiful omega descended the car, pouty while rubbing off his sleepy eyes.

"You still think you made the right choice?" Jungkook was watching the omega's reaction as the sleepiness wears off him.

His men were more baffled with how gentle their Boss talked to the omega. They have never heard him talking so gently, not even when talking to his siblings.

Taehyung's almond eyes were wide when he finally realized where they were. A secluded area, miles away from Seoul, a manor that looks more like a headquarters than a home with all the armed men surrounding them. Headquarters of people who do something that he can't find the exact words to describe, but one thing he can hypothesize for sure, that Jungkook was no ordinary man.

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