Chapter 9

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"This place you are taking me," Taehyung looked at the Alpha through the mirror. "Is it going to be crowded?" He is trying one of the dresses Jungkook has bought him for tonight's 'spectacle'.


"And I needed to dress fancy?"

"Don't get me wrong my sweetheart, you are already beautiful regardless of what you wear," the Alpha held his shoulder and nuzzled in his scent gland, scenting him. "It's just that, when I saw these dresses, I knew THEY would look good on you, NOT YOU would look good on them, you look good regardless sweetheart. You have to somehow give them justice."

"Hyungggg." The pink dust on omega's cheeks made Jungkook chuckle. It was 3 hours past noon when Jungkook came unannounced at the omega's place holding shopping bags full of dresses from luxurious brands.

Jungkook dropped him around dawn at his penthouse and had to leave because of his Chairman's duties in the morning while the omega decided to take a day off after the roller coaster kind of day that had transpired the day before.

Taehyung was not complaining, the Alpha felt smug the way his boyfriend's eyes glowed at the sight of the dresses, some even are limited editions of his favorite brands. He just wanted to know what he needs to expect and the need of him dressing up for one of Jungkook's so-called playgrounds. "This playground of yours, are all the ones present on your side?"

"Our side?" Jungkook looked at him in the mirror, head resting on omega's shoulders and arms wrapped around his waist. "Not everyone, but they know they can't be on my bad side, well, some may have challenged me, but they are now living with my best friend Luci." He smirked.

"Hyung." Taehyung closed his eyes, breathing heavily, feeling every soft kiss Jungkook is leaving on his skin. The sudden change of his scent was evident in the room, making the Alpha stop and look at the omega, who's eyes slowly opened looking at him with so much desire.

Jungkook's eyes darkened, "Sorry sweetheart, it's just that you smell so good." But he took a step back and averted his gaze.

The sudden feeling of rejection made Taehyung's omega howl in sadness, but if there's anything Taehyung had learned about his Alpha, is that Jungkook second guesses himself when it comes to him, and that he needs reassurance that Taehyung is comfortable in whatever they do together.

Taehyung turned around and held the Alpha's face, and looked at him straight to his eyes. "Don't you want me hyung?" He asked. "Because I want you so much, I want you so bad."

"It's too early sweetheart, I just asked you to be my boyfriend, and I don't want you to think that I am just using you for my carnal desires."

"Nothing is too early my darling hyung. Because if I were to be asked, I could skip everything and marry you this instant."


"You wanna know a secret?" The omega stepped closer to the Alpha, fingers caressed his fisted fingers and runned them to the Alpha's scent gland. "You know what they say..." wrist now rubbing against them, scenting the Alpha. "Scent never lies."


"I can smell you hyung. Have always been. With scent blocker or not, just like now, I know you want me too"

"Since when did you figure it out?"

"I wasn't sure until my birthday, when I was opening my gifts, you scent was kinda overwhelming, you were anxious and uncertain especially when I was in the last box of gifts and I haven't seen yours."

Jungkook remembered of course. "I was wearing scent blockers that day."

"I know, and I also know you always do, unless you are with me or someone trustworthy, and it's implied because there were some of my friends that you just met that day." The Alpha nodded, but still couldn't believe what the omega was saying.

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