Chapter 10

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One of his men came down to the basement when. Jungkook was still slicing to a screaming Ji-han's vertebrae.

"Hyungnim." He bowed.

All five alpha's were laid down facing down, while Jungkook demonstrates how to perform the famous Blood Eagle to all his rookie members. He chose four lucky ones to follow each step on the rest of the Alphas, while others were watching him like a hawk.

"Luna sent me to give you a message, hyungnim." Upon hearing him mention Taehyung, the Mob boss looked up to him and began to pull out one of Ji-han's ribs away from his spine, making the Alpha yell in pain beneath him.

"Music to my ear." Jungkook pulled another one without looking, eyes still on his unbothered gang member. "What did my sweetheart say?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Luna said he is starting to feel hungry and is giving you one hour max to finish and clean up, just enough time until he finishes cooking dinner, hyungnim."

"He is cooking?" Jungkook smiled. "Tell him I will be there before he knows it." The man bowed and left the basement. "You heard him. My sweetheart is hungry, we can't let your Luna starve don't we?"

"Yes, hyungnim!" They responded immediately.

"Good. Where were we? Ahhh." Jungkook continued ripping more ribs, mercilessly and the rookies followed his each step, while the alphas screamed in pain and asked for mercy.

Looking at his newbie's masterpiece the Alpha felt so proud when they all pulled the last rib out. "And the finale," he wrapped both hands on Ji-han's lungs, then pulled them out too, forming an outline that looked like an eagle's spread wings. Making the Alpha gasp for air and eventually die.

He walked around the room and looked at each of the cold bodies and patted the backs of their rookie members earning praises on how well they executed them. It was rare seeing their boss smile this big before, but since their Luna became part of his life, things have been better. He is a great boss and leader but he is tenacious, strict and hard to please.

"Clean up and go back to your posts and quarters." Jungkook instructed. "Everyone is off limits inside my private area of the manor. Namjoon will be incharge until I say so, and he will come to me if needed." He looked at his right hand man who nodded for acknowledgement. "Drop them to their families at dawn. I want them to have them reunited first thing in the morning."

"Yes hyungnim!" They answered instantly.

Wiping his bloodied hand, Jungkook went upstairs to his omega who was busy preparing dinner. Taehyung was humming a happy song in the kitchen when he got a whiff of the Alpha's scent. "Hyung." he pouted. "You know I love you, but can you please take a shower? You reek of their scents, and I don't like them one bit. Dinner's almost ready, and I am famished."

"I was about to anyway sweetheart," the alpha smiled. "I was just going to let you know." The alpha started walking to his room, then looked back to the pouting omega and smirked. "Sweetheart?"

"Hmmmm?" The omega looked at the alpha.

"I love you, too." He winked, then continued walking towards his door, leaving the red faced and flustered Omega.

As promised, when the Alpha finished scrubbing himself diligently, the table was set, and Taehyung was waiting for him with mouth wide open, almost drooling to his sight. "Can we skip dinner and go directly to dessert?" His eyes raked the Alpha's body, "and by dinner, I mean me eating you."

"Sweetheart." Jungkook laughed at the omega and sat in front of him.

"Hyung, please, can we?"

"Weren't you hungry? Famished?"

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