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2023 update

Hello dear readers! To give you some background on this story, I first wrote 10 chapters in 2016 and it was truly my favorite story I ever wrote. Now, 7 years later, I've returned to finish it, because in those 7 long years, I still have not forgotten these characters. Hope you enjoy:)

Hello :)

This story is going to be a little different, so I decided I would give you some information about the differences...

This book will not include:

*Any other supernatural beings

*Rogue packs, large groups of rogues


*Super ultra-rare white wolves with special powers

Though it will include:

*Lycans and werewolves

*Mates (See below this list for further explanation)

*Violence (mostly fights between wolves)

Difference between Lycans and werewolves:

*Lycans are bigger, stronger, and faster, some can control an element of nature

*Lycans have mates chosen for them, and they can feel who their true mate is during the full moon, whereas werewolves don't know who their true mate is, so they choose who they want to spend their lives with.

*Lycans' wolves are a separate entity in their mind, they take over once the shifter is in lycan form and werewolves just feel a certain force pushing them to do certain things

Packless wolves can't shift or mentally speak with other wolves.

The Luna's wrathWhere stories live. Discover now