Chapter 11

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Why the hell did I ever have to wake up like this when I fall asleep with Jisoo, my head is on the hollow of her neck, our faces are so close, my legs are on hers, actually my whole body is on hers. She's still asleep, I really, really, really don't want her to wake up and find me on top of her... again.

Wait, I fell asleep first, maybe she wasn't even asleep when I climbed on her !

Okay, this is embarrassing.

This time her hand is not on my ass but on my back, unfortunately it doesn't make the escape easier.

"stop moving"

Jisoo's sleepy voice makes me stop breathing. Is she awake ? I looked at her face and her eyes were still closed, her lips still half open.

Once successfully outside the tent, where Jisoo is still asleep, I stretched and noticed Lisa in front of the other tent a few meters away.

"Good morning."

"Good morning Rosie. Did you sleep well ?"

"Not really."

She let out a little laugh and says :

"You're definitely not a nature girl."



"Hi Jen."

"Jisoo didn't take too much space ? She usually sleeps all stretched out on her back, in a tent like that it must be uncomfortable for you."

Honestly, it must have been uncomfortable for Jisoo, who bore my weight all night, not me, who slept like a cloud.

I let out a nervous laugh and Jennie raised an eyebrow :

"Nah, it was okay."

"It's 6 am in 2 minutes, aren't we supposed to wake Jisoo up before the camera turns on ?"

"We have to get back on the game anyway. We only have 4 hours left."

Jennie goes to my tent and says something to the sleepy person in it.

Five minutes later, while Lisa, Jennie and I were packing all the stuff, Jisoo came out of the tent with a sleepy face, messy hair, large pajamas and the biggest yawn I had ever seen.

"So classy."

She stretched her arms and says :

"Good morning to you too Rosie."

Once everything is in order, we get back on our way to the camp.

Jennie still leading the way with the map, Lisa behind her holding the compass, then me carrying the big backpack while the last person was a sleepy Jisoo carrying both tents as a punishment for breaking the deal a day before.

"I'm exhausted !"

"We're almost there."

"Jennie, you keep telling that for the last two hours."

"Yeah but this time it's true. Are we still heading North-west Lisa ?"


"If I didn't make any mistake we should reach the camp in a little more than 100 meters."

"Please erase 'If I didn't make any mistake'. We need you to be confident and sure about where you lead us... I really don't like the idea of being eaten by bears."

"Do you need a song Rosie ? Bears are scary, not as much as ants though."

I knew it.

I knew that Jisoo would be using this night to tease me.

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