This Was Not The Beginning

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Narrator's POV:
After safely exiting the cursed forest, Nomaera and Akihiro talked as they walked to the Jujutsu Sorcercers headquarters. At that time the headquarters of Jujutsu Sorcercers was in Heian-Kyou, the main teachers for Jujutsu Sorcercer at that time were 5 entities namely: Tengen; Kenjaku; Abe no Seimei; Ashiya Douman; and Sugawara no Michizane. Sugawara no Michizane is the biological father of Akihiro Gojo, Akihiro Gojo is the first descendant of Sugawara no Michizane who has the surname Gojo. Upon arriving at the Jujutsu Wizards' headquarters, Nomaera was amazed by the natural beauty of the scenery she saw.
[Nomaera: "Wow, the scenery is so beautiful, what is this place?" (Nomaera asked in an amazed tone)
Akihiro Gojo: "This is the Jujutsu Sorcercers Headquarters." (replied in a cocky tone)
Nomaera: "Why did you bring me to such a secret place?" (Nomaera asked in a confused tone)
Akihiro Gojo: "I brought you here so that you could find a family and a job to survive." (Sincere tone, Akihiro smiles sincerely)
Nomaera: (smiling happily) "Thank you, I'll never forget your kindness." (Soft and sincere tone)
Akihiro Gojo: "You're welcome." (smiles wryly)
Suddenly, a 14-year-old boy suddenly approached Nomaera and Akihiro Gojo. The boy suddenly wanted to talk to Nomaera and Akihiro Gojo.
Souta Minamoto: "Introducing my name is Souta Minamoto, you two can call me Souta. I know you Gojo-san, but who are you?" (asked in a curious tone)
Nomaera: "My name is Nomazzu Adobenchara, you can call me Nomaera." (Soft tone)
Souta Minamoto: "I'm sorry if my words seem impolite, but can I know where you're from? (asks in a gentle tone)
Nomaera: "No problem, I'm from the village of Heiwa Shinjitsu." (soft and honest tone)
Akihiro Gojo: (surprised and silent)
Souta Minamoto: "Did you see the person who destroyed your village?" (asked in a curious tone)
Nomaera: (her eyes glaze over with sadness, Nomaera begins to cry) "No, I didn't see anyone, at that time I was only focused on crying over the horrible deaths of the people in my village." (sad tone)
Akihiro Gojo: (stroking Nomaera's head gently to calm her down) "Never mind Souta, Nomaera must have been very young back then, I know you're a curious person, but please don't hurt my friend's heart." (Sincere pleading tone)
Souta Minamoto: "Alright Gojo-san, I won't bother your friend, but I think your friend is hiding something from both of us' (annoyed tone)
Irritated Souta Minamoto walked away from the two of them quickly.
Akihiro Gojo: "I'm sorry Souta, he's just like that, he used to be my friend who was kind and sincere to me, somehow his nature suddenly changed after becoming the main heir of his clan, he now considers me as his enemy." (soft tone)
Nomaera: (wiping away her tears that fell on her cheeks) It's okay, I'm not offended by what she said. (Sincere and gentle tone) I would like to know how your relationship was in the past. (Sincere tone, Nomaera smiles gently)
Akihiro Gojo: "Souta used to be the shadow that protected me, the person I trusted the most, my friend who was the most sincere to me. But for some reason these past few months, after Souta was named the main heir of his clan he didn't get close to me anymore. Our relationship got even worse when Souta found out that I was the main heir of the Gojo clan. We are now like enemies. (sad and disappointed tone)
Nomaera: "Do you suspect me of hiding something from you? (asks in a curious tone)
Akihiro Gojo: (chuckles) You're too young to lie, maybe Souta said that to break our relationship. But I won't believe something that easily until I find clear evidence first. (sincere tone)
Nomaera: (sighs with relief) Thank you for your trust in me, I'll make sure I never break it." (Excited and sincere tone)]
Nomaera's POV:
{I'm sorry, I was forced to lie to you Akihiro San, I've always been selfish and always do whatever I feel is right, I never want to judge someone very quickly; somehow I feel that something is still shining in the darkness on the person who has damaged and destroyed many villages; I still feel that I can raise light in the person who has killed many people in such a cruel way as I have seen in My village.}

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