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𝐈𝐓 was a new day. As soon as Birdie was dressed, she rushed to get to Percy. She wanted to be his friend and she needed him to like her.

She was outside when she spotted the blonde boy with Luke and a few other children of Hermes or unclaimed children. Then she saw children of Ares approach and one bump into Percy.

"Hey!" Percy said, the girl turned around and shoved Percy to the ground with one hand. That's when Birdie-Mae decided to do something. She quickly walked over and helped Percy up from behind, one hand on his back, the other on his shoulder. She helped him to his feet and took her place standing next to him.

"Clarisse, there was no need," Birdie said, her hands falling back to her sides "it's his first day" "wait, so, this is the kid who killed the Minotaur. Is that right?" Clarisse said, pointing at Percy "yeah" he answered, seeming very confused "I'll bet. Look, you want attention around here, dummy? You better be ready for it when it comes" she said. She moved closer in a short flash and Percy flinched "don't" Birdie said firmly, standing in front of Percy "so, you're gonna protect this kid?" Clarisse asked, Birdie shrugged then nodded. Clarisse scoffed and then laughed, noticing how scared Percy looked.

She turned around and walked off, her siblings following her.

"Well, she seems nice" Percy said, Birdie moved from in front of him and turned to Luke "Ares kids. They come by it honestly" Luke explained "why don't they mess with you?" Percy asked, Luke smiled "they know better" "and.. and you?" Percy looked at Birdie "Luke's good with a sword and I'm well-liked" Birdie responded with a shrug. She didn't know why kids didn't bother her they way they bothered Percy or some of the other kids. She just assumed people didn't want to do anything that would make her mother angry.

"So, they leave you alone because 'glory'?" Percy asked, Luke nodded and Birdie just shrugged again. She had no glory of any sort. "So, if I get glory, Clarisse wouldn't mess with me either?" "exactly" Luke agreed while Birdie remained silent "and people think I'm a big deal?" Percy said, seeming like he was creating a plan that would possibly end very badly "well, sorta, but--" Luke began, Percy interrupted "and my dad's got no choice but to claim me" Birdie looked at Luke and he looked back at her.

"Gods won't just do anything you want them to. You can't make them" Birdie said, turning back to Percy "well, yeah, but.. it would make it harder for him to pretend I don't exist, right?" Percy countered. Birdie returned to being silent, this time remembering things instead of thinking about what to say next. "Maybe" Luke thought "well, great. Where do we start?"

Birdie left Percy with Luke, she knew something could happen but it wasn't like she could hang around them all day. She had her own things to do, which were the same things as them but she wanted to be separate. She would let Percy be Percy for this short amount of time before going back to becoming friends with him.

She thought, maybe, they were already friends, even though they had only had two interactions. Maybe that was enough to create a friendship. It was hard for Birdie to make friends. She was friends with Luke because he was basically her brother, she was friends with Annabeth because she kind of had to be, she was friends with Grover because they had their past together. She didn't really have any other friends.

Birdie was determined to be friends with Percy Jackson. She would get gut feelings, like everyone. And her gut was telling her to be friends with this boy. It didn't matter if she had to go through death to be his friend, she would do it. She already thought of him as someone she would protect, after speaking to him twice. It was strange to her. Usually, it would take her more than that to think of someone in that way but with this boy, it was quick. After seeing him that first night, she knew he must be protected. And she was going to be one of the people to do that.

With her few friends, Birdie was loyal. She would do anything for them. And with her loyalty, came bravery. She was a victim of trust and gullibility. If she was told something, she always believed it. No matter what she was told, she believed it. It was a great flaw of hers. Most of the time, she always believed the wrong thing. She trusted someone she shouldn't have. But she believed that Percy was one of the few people in the universe she could actually trust.

She had a great belief of Percy, after only hearing his voice twice and seeing him four times.

Birdie thought she could trust him.

And she really hoped she was right this time.

𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐥𝐚 𝐫𝐮𝐞Where stories live. Discover now