chapter 6

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Sofie's pov

I was just in time for work, I cheerfully greeted my colleagues.
"Can I have a word with you Sofie" Mr Derick, my manager told me.

"What do you mean by my services are no longer needed" I asked as I collected a black envelope from him.

"You are fired"
"What did I do wrong, I was always on time for work, I don't leave work until it was closing time, and I made sure that the customers were given the best services," I said in a pained voice.

"Sofie, I know, you are one of our best worker we will ever have, but this is beyond my control," he said.

"This is your company, how is it beyond your control" I asked.
"Sofie I think it's time you leave"
He said and left.
Everything will be okay, I assured myself.
I called Amira as soon as I got home.
I told her in detail all that happened in my workplace.
"Relax girl, there are lots of work out there, your job was not paying you enough, to begin with"
"You are right, but it's not easy to find work this days, but I will try" I answered her.
These past few days I have been looking for work, but nobody accepted me, the one time I was accepted, I was sacked the very next day. It wasn't easy, at this rate am going to go broke.
"God, who did I offend"
Just as I was lost in my thoughts I got a call from the UK that my mum had been admitted to the hospital, she has a brain tumor that needed to be removed immediately and she wouldn't be operated on if the money was not paid. I was in a state of dilemma, I was contemplating on what to do, I was so devastated.
I don't have any money with me, maybe I should accept the offer, I thought.
Just as I was contemplating on what to do, my phone rang.
Am starting to hate phone calls.

"Hello baby girl" a deep male voice that wasn't unfamiliar spoke at the other end.
"You should have signed the contract when it was an option, nobody rejects my offer, sweetie"
"So it was you, why are you tormenting my life" I asked him as tears welled up in my eyes.
"I don't have to give a reason for my actions"
"Are you ready to sign the contract"
No wasn't an option, my mum's life was at stake. He is a devil, he gave me no choice.
"I will sign the contract" The word came out almost as a whisper.
"I did not hear you, baby girl" I can feel him smirking through the phone.
"I will sign the contract" I screamed.
"Good, my assistant will pick you up tomorrow evening, make some preparations" With that he ended the call.
"Fuck, I hate this Mr Damone," I thought out loud.
I called Amira to inform her of the situation.
"Sofie, you should have accepted the offer in the first place, I mean it's a win, now look at the extent he went"
"Amira, am in no mood for hearing that, I need some words of encouragement.
"If you need encouragement, you should suck some dick," she said not feeling ashamed of the words she said.
"Eww, I will never, how could you say such a thing" My cheek was as red as a tomato
"I will call you tomorrow" I ended the call. Can't she be serious for once, how can she say that, so disgusting.

The next day.

It was 7 pm. I mentally prepared myself all night for this.
"You have to be strong Sofie," I said to myself. Mr Damone's assistant was on time to pick me up.
"You must be Miss Smith, nice meeting you," he said in the most polite manner. We made our way to the car. It was a black Lamborghini. I never thought I would be able to ride in such an expensive car.
We reached his house. It was the most beautiful house my eyes have ever seen. It was so magnificent and expensive, the walls were made of Mable.
"Miss Smith, I believe you will have enough time to check out the house, but first things first," he said.

We entered the mansion, calling this a mansion was an understatement, this is heaven. It looked so luxurious, whoever the interior decorator is must be from heaven. This is so far, the best house I have ever seen.
"The butler will show you your room," he said and left.

My room was light and big. The bed was comfy, it was painted in a pink and white colour. It was also cozy, this room is perfect.
I sat on the bed and thought about how my life would be on this mansion, despite it looking so luxurious it was still empty, it was as if it had no life in it. Every where was quiet. I was still lost in my thoughts when the butler came in.
"Miss smith, the master wishes to see you in his study"

Lorenzo's pov

"She have arrived"Dante informed me
"Make sure she is taken care of" I said genuinely concerned.
"We took care of her mother's bill, she will be operated on Thursday, so you don't have to worry.
"Okay, summon Sofie to my office"

She walked into my study looking like a lost lamb.
"Sofie, the contract is yet to be signed"
"I know, where is it?, I will sign it now" she said not interested in talking to me.
She signed the contract without reading it.
"So daring of you not to read it before signing" I said.
"How bad can it get" she answered.
I dropped the contract on my desk,
"I will like my salary to be paid to an hospital in UK" she said
"And why is that"
I pretended not to know the reason.
"It's non of your business" she answered.
"We will see about that".
"Here are the rules you need to abide with.
Firstly, you don't talk back at me.
Secondly, you don't go anywhere without my permission
Thirdly, you have to cook for me.
Fourthly, make sure to keep all the rules.
"You must be joking, am an adult I don't need your permission before going out and I can't cook your meals am not your maid" she said with every courage she can muster.
" Sofie, I believe it was clearly stated in the contract, and if you wish to go against it you will pay a fine of five hundred million dollars, are we clear.
"I hate you" she said
My heart really ached hearing her say it.
"Baby girl, you need to mind your words or you will be punished"

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