Chapter 7

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"Anyone who ever gets in my way will die," King Kaine said as he sat lazily on his throne. He sipped some whine, surrounded by the court.

"Yes my lord, we will punish any traitors who dare defy you." Lord Skully said with a smile.

The half drunk king put his crown on his head and chuckled. "Who exactly are our enemies?" he asked.

"The Banes, the Ashwoods, and the Leonards of course. I mean, most of the Leonards are gone," Skully informed him.

"Leonards are my family! I am King Kaine Leonard. But, I want all of my fathers sons to be hanged! Go now and find them." King Kaine ordered.

"Yes sire," Lord Skully turned to the court. "Go on then! You are all dismissed."

The council dispersed. Some members shot glares at Lord Skully and Kaine. The king did not notice as he was taking a sip of his wine again.

"My king, you should go to your chambers, you are very drunk now!" Lord Skully said.

"Urgh, fine," the king stood up and stumbled out of the hall.

Lord Skully went to the throne room. Cassius's dog was lying before the throne. She barked as five pups nursed at her teats. The lord kicked at the female dog and sat down on the throne.

'Why is that dog in here? Take her and her pups to the head of the hunt!" he ordered and two guards approached the pups.

The bitch snarled a warning. One guard muzzled the bitch and the other picked up the pups. They then hurried out of the throne room and to the dog kennels.

Lord Skully ran his hand along the throne's arm rest. Gold was embedded in the ancient wood and the sigil of the Leonards was marked on the wall of the throne room beside two other houses. Bane and Skully.

Lord Simion Skully was the grand nephew of King Tarith Skully and Great great nephew of King Teirac Skully. The last king Skully of Ashya. The Skullies were kings and queens of Ashya for one hundred years. Until Gunnolf Bane was handed the crown after King Tarith died, leaving no heirs. The house of the Wolf ruled for fifteen years until the Leonards killed king Gunnolf. And the Throne of Ashya was now theirs.

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