Chapter 14

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Luca, his uncle, and his two brothers rode out into the forest for a hunt. They had brought dogs and were tracking a deer. With the Banes came Lord Ashwood and his two sons, and the Master of the Hunt, Harold.

The dogs had picked up a scent and were barking and running. The men hurried on their horses. The snow was deep and crunched under the horses heavy feet. Lucas Bane had never been on a hunt before. He wished his father was alive to see him on his first hunt. But he was dead. Killed by the evil King Kaine. At least his uncle and older brothers Daemon and Aron were there to witness it.

"What do you think they can smell?" Master Harold wondered.

"Deer I hope," replied Lord Kendor.

But it was not a deer at all, it was some sort of large and very dead big cat, buried in the snow. Lord Kendor and Sir Laurence dismounted and had a look at the big cat. They brushed the snow away and found two cubs sleeping beside its belly.

"That is way too big to be a cougar," said Baylor the Swiftclaw.

"It's a lion," Aron gasped.

'Here? At Snowdam?" Daemon looked at him sceptically.

"He's right," Sir Laurence picked one of the cubs up.

"This is a sign! King Cassius is returning for his throne, he lives!" Lord Kendor said, sounding insane.

"It's not possible!" Sir Laurence said.

"But it is! The gods have sent us this lioness and her cubs. The lion is the sigil of House Leonard, don't you see my lord?" Master Harold said.

"They are right, we should ride back and take care of these cubs, they will be a gift to the Queen Mother and King Cassius," Daemon said.

The two lords mountain their horses. Lucas took one cub and kept it close to his chest as they rode back to the castle.

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