Chapter 13

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Greyson and Barley were camped in the forest with Adam. They had escaped Summer's End and were hiding for now.

Adam stalked slowly through the woods. He was hunting. Greyson had taught him to keep his steps quiet and his breath still. Especially when hunting on foot. He crept forward and peered over a clump of bushes. Just as he had thought, boar.

Adam lifted his crossbow and fired. The boar squealed and glared directly at him. Then it charged. Frightened, Adam ran. The boar was hot on his heels. The boy dashed over roots and bushes. A tree was in his path. Its branches hung low so he grabbed one and swung himself up. Climbing as high as he could. He then sat there and waited.

The boar eventually grew bored and left him, Adam finally sighed in relief. But the danger was not over. Two strangers, one with a white cloak and one with a copper half helm walked under the tree and stopped. They looked like they were arguing.

"If we act now, King Kaine will kill us! It's not safe. Another great war is on the horizon." The one with the white cloak said.

"And how do we stop a war Azrael? It is written in the kingdom's destiny! We'll have no choice but to attack with all our allies," the man with the copper helm said.

Adam tried to stay still and make no sound. If the men looked up he would be dead. Eventually they came to an agreement and walked away.

Adam walked back to the camp to explain what he had heard. Greyson and Barley listened, interested.

"So you saw two men talking about a revolt did you?" Barley asked.

"Yes, I swear! One was a White Cloak," Adam said.

"A White Cloak revolting against Kaine?" Greyson laughed at the ridiculous comment.

Adam grew frustrated, "It's true!" he said.

"Don't scold the boy Greyson, he is speaking the truth. There are White Cloaks that are against Kaine now. These men plot war and revenge. It is all stupid nonsense I say, now I will go hunting since you did not bring anything back, and no more talk of this." Barley said as he stood up to go.

"Now look at who's scolding!" Greyson said defiantly.

Adam sat down obediently and agreed not to say a word of what he had seen. Greyson smiled at him fondly and started adding wood to the small fire that they were trying to make.

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