(2) New People

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Me and my parents looked around for a while at some couches and beds. Mom had asked Charlotte and Elijah the kinds they wanted and we were looking best we could. We found a few and ordered them. It'll take a few days until it was all here and set up but we can live a couple days.

Next we went to the supermarket to grab food and supplies. We grabbed a few snacks and a few things to cook. Mom had to get some new pans and I helped her pick out some pencils and paper for Char and Eli.

It wasn't too long before we were done and soon we had to go pick up my siblings. We arrive at the William's residence and park. Mom gets out and knocks on the door again but this time an about average height kid answers. He calls out for his mom and she comes outside. Elijah follows quickly behind her and hugs mom. Charlotte comes out after with another little girl. They hug and mom hands Mrs. Williams what looks like some money. Eli and Char start walking back and mom follows shortly behind.

It was a Saturday and we ordered food again because by the time we got home it was after five and mom didn't feel like cooking. We all sit in the kitchen just chatting and waiting. When it gets here we eat and talk some more about the next few days. I go upstairs to take a shower and head to my room until I decided to go to bed.

I got ready for bed after my shower and grabbed my favorite book out of my bag. I sat on the window sill and opened the book to resume where I was at.

What felt like minutes goes by but I check the time at it was actually three hours. It was already past 11 so I put the book down and go to lie down on my pile of blankets.

~ Time Skip ~ 

The next day I woke up to the sounds of something being dragged. I open my door to see mom and dad dragging a big box before stopping. 

"Your bed and the couch are here." Mom says, out of breath. "Your dad's going to help you set it up while I move the couch."

"Ok." I reply. I help them get it into my room. Me and dad open the box and start taking the parts out.

"Where are you wanting it kiddo." Dad calls me kiddo a lot. I don't mind it anymore but when I was little I would insist that I wasn't a kid.

"That left corner over there." I point to the corner and we spend about 3 hours working on it. At one point dad dropped a piece on his foot and he started jumping up and down cursing. I couldn't help but laugh.

We finish and both step back to admire our work. It was a nice bed with a head board and some poles on the corners. It was a beautiful bark color and I was so excited to decorate more.

"I'm going to help you're mom make dinner." Dad says starting to leave. He ruffles my hair and walks out the door.

I grab my blankets and pillows and set up my bed until I get it exactly how I wanted it. I had these two little throw pillows left over so I put them on the window sill to make my reading spot more comfortable.

I got out my photo album out of my bag and started looking through to find my favorite pictures. Mom has always loved photography as a hobby and she always lets me try. I've become pretty good at it over the years. I pick out my favorite few and grab some thumbtacks to hang them on the wall. I put them on the wall above my bed so I would constantly be reminded of the memories.

There was about four pictures at the moment but I was sure I would add more later.

- The first one is of a Lily flower. They are my favorite flower and I found a one in the wild on a nature hike back at our home town.

- The second was of me holding Elijah the day he was born. Charlotte is peeking over my shoulder and we're both smiling. We both look so much younger.

- The third picture was of me and dad playing piano. He always loved music and he taught me to read sheet music. I love playing piano, it makes you feel things that nothing else does. It's like seeing a really pretty sunset or looking at the stars.

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