(6) Sugar Smugglers and The Tournament

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Me and Jackie were patrolling together and saying hello to the villagers.

"Good afternoon Melody." The tailor greets Y/N. She got the name Melody because she found an old piano on the side of the road and played it in front of the King. He made the Squashinator bring it to the King's Keep and he makes Y/N play whatever songs she knows or learn new ones.

"Afternoon." Melody smiles before continuing walking. She suddenly saw a bottle with a parachute in the air but before she could figure out where it came from it had disappeared. 

"Did you see that bottle?" She signs. Jackie shakes his head not knowing what she was talking about. The two do some more patrolling before returning to the King's Keep.

"Hey Maya, I saw some weird bottle flying east of the village." I tell Maya when we get back. "Thanks for the tip Melody, I'll go check it out on patrol." She says before walking out of the keep. 

"Melody!" The king calls. "Play me a song." I walk over to the slightly out of tune piano and start playing the first song that comes to mind. Jackie comes over and puts his hand on the piano. That's how he listens, he feels the vibrations. 

"Lovely, another one!" The king calls when I finish. He has me play multiple songs before the next patrol.

Maya comes into the Keep and tells the King about some sugar smugglers. I didn't really listen until I heard her mention Craig.

"That Craig of the creek kid and his friends tried to sneak in candy using old dodgeballs. They got away when the Green Poncho came to save them.

~ A Few Days Later ~

It was the day of the King's birthday tournament. I was setting out this year since it's my first year as a champion. I was standing next to Maya on the stage as we got ready for the Tournament to begin. Xavier gives his speech and we all listen. The kids cheer as he throws candy.

"The first game of the day will be..... Red Light Green Light." Maya announces holding up the light cards. A Honey Suckle Ranger that i don't recognize volunteers before Keun Sup, known on this side as "The Blur", runs up to him.

"Hey, Hello. Nice to beat ya." I hear him tell the ranger. "The Blur is running. Nope I am out." Some random girl quits when she sees The Blur.

Maya explains the rules and they start. I watch as they run and see Keun Sup push the Honey Suckle Ranger. The Ranger starts running faster until there is a red light. The Acorn Knight Volunteer didn't stop so he was the first one out. It was now between Keun Sup and the Ranger. There is a few red and green lights until Maya  does a gray light, tricking Keun Sup. He looked horrified. This let the Honey Suckle Rangers win the first game.

"20 points to the Honey Suckers." She says with no emotion. I notice that the volunteer looked a little familiar. Xavier yawns insisting we go on to the next game. Next was the Water Balloon Toss. Jackie was competing in this one so it had my full attention. They bring out the human target as he protests. The Honey Sucker volunteer hits the target then immediately looks like he felt bad. Jackie steps up holding some balloons. He prepares to throw them immediately hitting the target soaking the poor guy as he tries to run away. Jackie sends him flying with the last hit and King Xavier hovers over him with an evil grin.

The next game was a Joust. It was best two out of three. The Honey Sucker Ranger hits Aggie off and says something to make her mad. She gets up and starts charging at them. She breaks the sucker's pool noodle in half and sends her flying. Just one more match. They talk trash to each other that I didn't really understand before charging. The Honey Sucker dodges under Aggie's pool noddle but after they pass each other Aggie falls off. The Honey Suckers win again. Aggie run's up to me crying that she had a boo-boo. I hug her and put some band-aids on her injuries.

The last game was slaps. The first ranger who looked familiar steps up and Maya volunteers instead of the Cherry Blossoms. He tries to slap her hands but misses. It was now Maya's turn. I hear Xavier walk over to me. He whispers in my ear, "Get those rangers." I slip away off of the stage.

"So are you new around here?" Maya asks distracting him.

"No? AH!" Maya slaps his hands. "No. I'm not new."

"Really? I haven't seen you around before and I never forget a face." She slaps his hands again.

Maya laughs. "What's so funny?" He asks.

"Why I'm about to smack your hands clean off your wrists." She raises her arms as if to hit his hands as hard as she can. Her hand comes flying down but stops right before she hits him. She holds her hands up. "I yield."

"Wow! A forfeit! From Maya!" The king exclaims. The villagers start muttering. I catch onto what she's doing. Me and the other champions start walking towards the rangers as they celebrate. "Honey Suckle Rangers get over here and claim your prizes." The king waves them over. "Come on everybody. Let's give them a round of applause. What an exciting preformance from Craig of the creek. Gotcha." The Champions come behind and cuff the rangers. We unmasked them as Xavier gives his speech.

"You know. It's hard being the king, because you have everything you could ever want. There is nothing anyone can buy you to make you happy. But you know what would make me happy. A handmade gift. Right from the heart." He pauses. "Your map." Xavier gives an evil smile to Craig.

"Ha! Too bad for you. I didn't bring my map." Craig replies smugly. Maya goes to grab his bag and he protests. They pull it back and forth for a second before she snatches it. Maya gives it to the king and pulls out the map. She holds it up for the king and he takes pictures of the map.

"My friends! These heathens from the other side of the creek, lied their way in here and impersonated members of the court with the intent to steal your gifts." I hear muttering among the villagers. "What do you think? Should I let them go?" The crowd starts booing and chanting Maze.

"The people have spoken. Craig of the creek."

Maya drops them into the maze and we wait outside for them to get out. Me and Jackie start playing tic-tac-toe in the dirt while we wait while Keun Sup and Aggie chat. It takes them a while to get out but we hear them coming and prepare to fight.

"Well, well, well. I was blurried for a second." Keun Sup says with his blur puns. "But you all actually made it out of the maze.

"Too bad for you the king left us here as an insurance policy. Prepare to fight." Aggie adds. All of our phones go off symbolizing it's dinner time and we all run towards our homes leaving Craig and his friends there alone.

Jackie walks with me back to my house. "You're really good at piano." He signs to me. "Whenever you play I watch your hands and I don't think I've ever seen someone's hands move that fast. I mean maybe Keun Sup's when he runs but that's more his feet than his hands." He signs, rambling. "Thank you." I smile at him and He smiles back. We reach my door and I am just about to say good bye and go inside when the door opens.

"Y/N, whose your friend?" I hear dad say.


The end kinda sucks but its almost 1 am when im writing this. I might go back and fix it later or add on to it but not rn.

UPDATE - I fixed it but it's still not the greatest.

Word Count - 1343

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