(9) The 'Date'

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It was Thursday and I was playing piano for his majesty, the king, when I see Jackie come up from the corner of my eye. He places his hand on the piano to feel the vibrations and closes his eyes. He always does this. "Melody!" The King yells. "Yes, Your Highness." I pause my playing for a moment and look at the king who was standing a bit behind me. Jackie looks up with a confused look but see's me talking to Xavier.

"I'm bored of the piano. Can you play any other instruments?" He crosses his arms.

"I can play guitar but I don't have one." I answer the king.

"Don't worry about having one. Carry on. I am going to mingle with the villagers." I hear him gag at the thought of being with people "Lower" than him but he does it to help keep them happy and loyal. I continue playing for Jackie.

After a while he stops me. "Do you want to hang out this weekend?" He signs to me. I nod. "I would love too. What are we doing?"

"There is this really pretty trail on the out-skirts that me and the other champions wanted to show you, but I wanted to go there with you alone first." He signs back, his face turns slightly red.

"Sounds fun." I smile at him and he smiles back. "Meet me outside my house Saturday at 10?" I nod and he leaves to go on patrol.

~ Next Day ~

Me and Aggie were patrolling together and I told her about the trail.

"That sounds like a date." She says getting excited. "No, we're just two friends hanging out." She smirks. "Yea two 'friends' who clearly like each other going on a hike alone together." My face goes red upon hearing this. It does sound like a date. "Do you think he wants it to be?" I ask. "I could ask Keun Sup. I'm sure he knows about the wholeee thing." She smiles and we go on with out patrol. She kept teasing me the whole time but I didn't really mind.

We headed back to the King's keep and Xavier calls me over. I bow to him. "Yes, your Majesty."

"Here. Now go play me something." He holds out an acoustic guitar. I look at him confused.

"Didn't you hear me? Play something. Go on." He says getting annoyed. I grab the guitar and recall the songs I've learned before. I remembered this song from a movie I made Lucas teach me so I decide to play that. I look over at Jackie and he looks a little sad. I give him a look as I play and he signs to me, "I can't hear this. With the piano I can feel it. I can't with that." I finish the song and sign "Sorry." to him. "It's alright." He signs back.

"Wonderful. Keep going I need sounds while I think. The king was currently plotting our next plan to get into the other side. I play a few more songs before It was time for dinner. I lean the guitar against the piano and Jackie walks me home. We hug and he signs to me, "See you in the morning." I smile and wave good bye. He smiles back.

~ The next morning ~

I walked to the address Jackie gave me. He has been to my house quite a few times but I've never been to his. I walk up as he is saying bye to who I assume is his dad. He waves to me when he sees me. He comes up and hugs me. "Ready?" I nod and we start walking. We talk back and forth as we hike the trail. I stop every once in a while to take in the view. "Pretty right?" He smiles at me. "Yea it is. I'm glad you brought me." I smile. We reach the top and set our stuff down. I go over towards the edge and take in the view. I take my phone out and take a picture of the view.

Jackie comes up beside me and we both just stare out together. After a few minutes I tap on his shoulder. He gives me a confused look.

"Is this a date?" I ask.

"Only if you want it to be." He looks at me nervously.

"Then it's a date." I smile. He smiles too and goes over to his stuff. I watch as he takes off his shirt and I feel my face go red. He looks at me and smiles. I give him a confused look. "Race ya!" Before I can figure out what he meant he runs past me and jumps off into the water. I look over the edge trying to find him. He resurfaces and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I take a few steps back and follow in his footsteps, jumping.

We swim and splash for a bit before we go back to our stuff. By now the sun was setting and I think it was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. I take a picture and Jackie puts his arm around me. I lean into him and we take in the view together.


Another fluff chapter. I love fluff lol

Word Count - 876

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