(8) Winter Break

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It has been a few weeks since the tournament and the king has been obsessed with invading the other side. Craig won't even talk to me anymore but it doesn't matter any more because it's now winter break. Jackie has come over a few times and my parents have come around to liking him. We were on patrol talking about his most recent visit. I showed him my pictures and explained what they meant. We both decided we would start taking pictures to relive everything the happens.

I stop looking at a tree with the leaves all gone. Jackie goes up and shakes it and a bit of snow falls out. It falls into the hood of the jacket I had on top of my costume. I start shivering and he laughs at me struggling to get it out. "It's not funny!" I sign. "It kind of is." He silently laughs before helping me get some of the snow out. We stop and talk for a bit against the tree. He puts his arm around me to help me warm up when he sees me shiver. When we go on patrol together we'll often stop and talk for a while just to get a break from the king.

One time Keun Sup caught us and now when Maya and Xavier aren't around he teases us. Me and Jackie were still just friends but every time I see him I can feel my heart speed up and I start to get nervous. The other champions took notice of how we are together. "I was right after all!" Aggie teased me when she figured out that I liked him. Jackie gets a text from Keun Sup telling him to come back because the king has a mission. 

We get there and see the king's "Chariot" as he calls it. It's a stretcher that he sits on and gets carried by a bunch of Acorn Knights. When Xavier sees us he explains the plan. We go to the overpass and start a snowball war with the remaining kids since it was winter break. We nod and start towards the other side following the King.

We wait at the overpass and throw snowballs at whoever comes near. Soon we hear voices.

"Hey, Omar!" The King yells. The knights set him down and he takes off his googles and mask. "Hey, buddy! How was your holiday? Good, I hope. Mine was pretty sick. I got everything I wanted." Xavier bragged. "Well, almost everything. I still haven't gotten your side of the creek. But that changes today!" He adds coldly.

"Ha! I'd like to see you try!" The Green Poncho yells back. "No matter how many acorn knights you brought, I'll never let you cross the overpass!"

"Oh, yeah? Uh, well, w-what if I brought a million knights? Th-th-then what?" I give Jackie a confused look and he signs, "He's going to embarrass himself." I nod. We were standing behind the king so he couldn't see what we were saying but I see Keun Sup chuckle out the corner of my eye.

"Pshh, you ain't bring a million knights!" The Green Poncho yells. 

"Well, uh, what if I did? You think you can take a million kids?" The king yells before speaking to us, "Ha! He thinks he can take a million kids."

"I never said that....But I could, for the record." I hold back a laugh at his statement.

"There's no way you cou-- Whatever! We're invading!" Xavier yells. He motions to us and the soldiers when he says this. We throw our snowballs over the overpass. We hear voices and we all give each other confused looks because it sounds like fighting. 

"Ready..aim....fire!" The king yells to the acorn knights. They throw their snowballs before seeing the Green Poncho shoot them. He shoots an arrow and I watch as snowballs fall off. One almost hits me in the head but Jackie grabs it before it can. I smile at him. "Thanks." I sign.

The fight goes back and forth for a while and we hear more arguing. Our knights are slowly knocked down. The king sips his Hot Cocoa. "Ah, yeah, tiny marshmallows." The king sighs as he checks the time. "Hmm, this invasion is taking too long. It's time we moved on to phase 2. Oh, champions?" He announces to us. We smile surrounding the king. "Could you show our friends here how to play a proper game of snowball war?"

"I got it, no blurries." Keun Sup prepares to run and speeds off, dodging the incoming snow balls. He grabs the snowballs flying at him and quickly throws them back to the other side. Jackie throws a snowball backwards and it goes all the way around the world and hits Craig hard in the back of the head. Next was my turn. I grab a few snowballs and run forward. I throw them into the air before kicking them, sending them flying to the other side. I watch as the kids dodge them but J.P is a little to tall and gets hit in the top of the head.

"Let's throw a few ice cubes into this smoothie of pain!" I hear Aggie yell. She breaks the ice on top of the creek and punches them toward the other side. It hits a tree so hard that it breaks off all of the branches. I look at her with amazement. She smiles proud of her throw. We continue to throw snowballs but the Green Poncho keeps shooting them. He shoots a net and it falls onto the acorn knights in front of Xavier as Jackie and Aggie move out of the way.  A few snowballs were thrown by Kelsey and Craig but soon we hear them arguing again. 

Xavier slurps his coca. "Mm, my cocoa is getting cold. I think it's time we wrap this up." He hands his cocoa to a knight with a tray. "Champions, initiate operation....Championship King Maneuver Alpha DX." The king gives an evil grin.

"U-uh...Alpha what?" Aggie questions. "You know, the thing! That thing we talked about earlier?" Xavier says starting to get impatient. All the champions think for a second.

"How you're afraid of toenail clippers?"

"How you toot every time you sneeze?"

"How that Acorn Knight smells like corn chips?" "Hey!" I hear the knight yell in the distance. "Sorry!" I yell back.

"No, the attack!" We all flinch as the king gets mad. "Do a cool combination attack!" He whines.

"Ohh....right." Keun Sup and Aggie say at the same time. "Sorry. This whole morning has been a blur for me." We all run off ready to attack. Keun Sup runs in a circle creating a huge snow ball. When he is finish I kick it towards Aggie so she can throw it. Jackie is on her back and he uses her acorn shoulder pads to control her arms. She holds the snowball above her head as Jackie aims. They throw it over the overpass and we can still hear arguing. The impact of the snowball causes an explosion and wind start blowing everything away. Jackie grabs me and holds me close to keep me from being pulled. We watch as the Green Poncho falls off of the overpass but Craig catches him.

Craig yells before apologizing and yelling quietly. Him, J.P. and Kelsey run back as we keep throwing the large snowballs. Jackie and Aggie would throw, I would kick, and Keun Sup would create.

"Yeah-heh-heh, boy! We did it!" Xavier starts celebrating. "I have finally defeated the Green Poncho all by myself! Huh, maybe I don't need a plan B." He asks himself the last part. "Now, it's time to claim what's rightfully mine. Onwards, friends! H-hey, keep it steady!" He says as the acorn knights struggle picking him back up.

"Sorry, Your Kingly-ness. It's a little slippery."

We follow the king's chariot as we go to the other side.

"Finally. I'll reign over the entire creek and cement my legacy as the greatest king of all!" I roll my eyes. "Better than my sister Cheyenne, better than my brother Kenneth!" He mocks.

"Hmm? Where did all these kids come from? She said this side was empty." We all look around and see what seemed like 100 kids. Me and Jackie exchange nervous looks.

"Creek forces attack!" We hear Craig yell. Suddenly a bunch of snowballs come flying down hitting the king. Me and Jackie were trying to dodge them but failing. We all got piled on and were covered in cold, wet snow. I look over and watch as a huge snowball falls and crushes Jackie into the snow. I gasp. "I-It's an ambush! R-Retreat!" The king yells. Aggie grabs me and the other champions out of the snow and runs with us under her arms.

The king yells the whole way back to the keep about how terrible that was. "You should of done better." He glares at us. "If you didn't mess up then we would of won!"

Maya calls the king, "Your highness, Maya reporting in. Your distraction worked. I think I know how we can take down their side of the creek."


We starting to get into the Capture the Flag war now.

Word Count - 1520

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