(13) Capture The Flag P4 - The Plan

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Me and Jackie walked up to the driveway as we see the rest of the champions waiting for us except Maya. Today was the day of the "Royal Slumberparty." We walk up and greet the others before Jason knocks.

"Well, look who it is, and right on time! Welcome to Chateau Xavier!" Xavier throws his hands in the air to motion to his house. "Ha ha! Good to see ya, Keun Sup, Aggie, Y/N, and Jackie." We all give a small pose. "Ho-ho and Jason! Congratulations on being promoted to buddy!" We all smile at Jason. Being promoted to buddy was a big deal. If you were a pal, you were basically dirt. But if you were a buddy, Xavier would actually acknowledge you as a human being.

"I hope you're ready for your first royal sleepover!"

"It's a pleasure!" Jason says excitedly.

"You think you, uh packed enough stuff there, Jason?" Xavier teases him. "Ha ha. You're sleeping over, not moving in."

"Oh! Uh, a scout always comes prepared." Suddenly someone clears their throat. We all move over to see Maya standing there. "Oh, I apologize, your BFF-ness." Jason apologizes even though he doesn't have too. We were all in the way.

"Maya, my BFF! We couldn't have a sleepover without you!" The king has a huge smile on his face. "You're late." He leans in with a glare.

"Whew, sorry. My brother was taking forever making dinner, and I-" Xavier interrupts her. "Uh-huh, sure, yeah. To the basement!" I can feel how nervous Maya is. Xavier is still mad. 

~ Time Skip ~

We've been hanging out for a while just sitting there. Jackie was in a bean bag chair eating sprinkle paws. I was sitting on the floor next to him and he would hand me some. We were all watching Keun Sup and Jason play Power Punchers. Keun Sup, of course, was winning. Jackie throws a juice box at Aggie and she squeezes it into her mouth. He silently laughs and throws a few sprinkle paws in the air. He waits for them to fall but Maya catches them before they could. She stands over him and he gets out of the chair, crawling and sitting beside me. Maya takes the seat and eats the snack.

"Hey, Xavie, got any squishers?"

Actually, I don't, Maya. You might remember that they were stolen by the Sugar Swipers while my BFF was destroying some dumb ramp instead of protecting me and my candy." He is definitely still mad. I look Jackie nervously and he pulls me closer to him. I hate when Xavier is mad. After seeing him throw countless kids into the maze and totally ruin their reputation, I try my best to stay on his good side.

"But you're the one who told me to destroy that 'dumb ramp'! I can't be everywhere at once!"

"I'm not asking you to be everywhere. I'm telling you to be there when I need you." He gets in her face. "The BFF is supposed to be someone their king can depend on. So, can I depend on you, Maya?" There is so much tension in the room you could cut it with a knife. "Or do I need to find a new BFF? I'm not sure where that would leave you, though." We all watch nervously except for Jason who is still trying to beat Keun Sup even though he stopped playing.

Maya inhales. "Sorry, King Xavier."

"Aw, yes! Take that, doggy!" Jason shouts. Xavier turns around. "I'm finally gonna win!" Xavier grabs the controller from him. "I'll take that!" He finishes the game. "Ah, I am so good at video games. And everything." He tosses the controller to Maya. "But I was playing." Jason tries to protest.

"New game!" We turn out the lights, the only light coming from the flashlight Maya was holding. "It's time for a little truth or dare. And I pick... truth!" We were all laying in front of the king as he makes us say nice things about him. "What's your favorite thing about your super-cool King? Go!"

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