(5) Training

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Maya took me to some meadow. There were a few training dummies set up. One had arrows in it and another had running paint like it got soaked with water. "First things first." She turns to me. "Kick this dummy." I give her a confused look. "You said you could kick. So kick."

I walk closer to the dummy and kick as hard as I can. I hit the dummy right in the shoulder and cause it to dent inwards. "Not bad." She takes note. "Punch it." I punch the dummy as hard as I can. I bring my hand back in pain, shaking it out a little. It stings worse than when Aggie high-fived me. "What are these things made of?" I ask. "I'm not sure. King Cheyenne filled them with something harder than just grass before she left." I give her another confused look. "That's not a story for today. Let's get back to work."

We spend about an hour doing punching and kicking drills and some basic things to get stronger. Maya had me do planks and sit ups but not before running 5 laps around the meadow. "You're doing good for the first time. It just going to get harder from here." She tells me during a break. "Harder?" I ask out of breath. I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see the other champions. I stood up and made eye contact with Jackie. Before I could comprehend what happened I felt someone hug me. I realize that it was Jackie. He pulls back before signing something very fast.

"Woah. Slow down I can't understand you." I sign. He sighs before starting again but slower. "I'm sorry you got dragged into this but we had specific orders to bring any and all new people." He signs. "He was going to take away some of our freedom. Make us patrol more and be by his side 24/7 if we didn't." Keun Sup added. "Don't worry about it. I've spent the past day trying to figure out that symbol but now I have my answer. And I have you three so it won't be that bad." They all give me nervous looks. "If you say so." Keun Sup looks down at his feet. "Are you going to accept?" Aggie asks taking my hands in her own. She was squeezing them. "I don't really have a choice." I look at all three of them.

"It's not as bad if you don't have to capture someone." Jackie signs. "Or destroy someone." Aggie adds onto Jackie's statement. "But most of the time you do." Keun Sup adds even more. "And Xavier will get mad if you don't do what he wants when he says too." 

"Mad?" I ask confused.

"Yell. Take away rights. Not give you candy. You know, the normal." Keun Sup shrugs his shoulders and I can tell he's trying to make a joke.

"Don't joke about it." Aggie looks to the ground and crosses her arms. "I still think about that Honey Suckle Ranger I had to joust. He didn't come back for two weeks." I see her shiver at the thought. We spend a bit talking about what I'll have to do as a champion before they take me on a tour around the village. I meet some of the vendors and find out more about the King. I find out that he gives special candy based off of ranks. Pal being the worst and BFF being the best. He gives it away so kids will stay loyal to him.

I hear two guys yelling about getting some map from someone from the other side of the creek. They were boasting about how they were soon to be the King's BFFs. I hear them mention Craig but I try to shake the thought of them hurting him. The other champions tell me about the other side of the creek and the Green Poncho who guards the overpass in between the two sides. We return to the King's keep. "Y/N." The King says in a sing-song voice. "Have you decided yet....."

"I have." I say standing before him. "And...." He asks.

I bow before him. "I accept."

"Wonderful.." The King grins again. "Our little artist is joining us. Tomorrow we gather the village and celebrate our new champion." I gulp at the thought of standing in front of everyone. 

"Go and join the other champions over there I have an appointment with the Honey Sucker Rangers." I go and stand beside Jackie. He gives me a small smile and I smile back. 

The Honey Suckle Champion | Jackie x Reader COTCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu