(10) Capture the Flag P1 - The Candy

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During winter break, Xavier sent Maya to go investigate ways to get into the creek. She hid herself as a snowman and found out that Kit's grandmother supplies her trading tree if she has good grades. He came up with a plan to change her report card and cause a famine on the other side. I felt bad doing this to Craig but it's to late for me now.

We start towards the other side on our boats. Aggie was rowing with the occasional help of Jackie while me and Keun Sup start sending squishers down the creek. We reach the over pass and are stopped by the Green Poncho. "Halt! What are you doing here?" He yells pointing his bow in our direction.

"Why, we are simply helping the other siders. Don't you know they're starving?" Xavier grins. Soon a few other boats show up. It's the Council of the Creek. "Turn your ships around and leave!" The Green Poncho tells us again. "You and your Floral Guard aren't welcome on this side of the creek." Xavier just smiles.

"Hello, there! I am King Xavier!" He puts his hands on his hips and starts to brag, "You've heard of me probably. Me and my friends run things on the other side of the creek. But when I got word your side had been stricken with famine...we decided to pool our resources to come help our creekly neighbors." He snaps and a few Acorn Knights row a boat full of candy into view. "I'd love to share even more, but it seems your doorman, the Green Poncho won't allow us to enter." Xavier gives a speech to convince the other siders.

"He's bringing us snacks? Out of the way, Green Groucho!" A girl with pink hair in a very fancy boat yells.

"Wait. This is the king that me and the Green Poncho warned you all about." Craig speaks and he gets out of his boat. "We can't let him into our side. He's just trying to give us snacks so we'll trust him." Craig glares directly at me. "He's evil!"

"So am I. Who cares?" The pink lady speaks up. "We're hungry, Craig! Besides, aren't you always talking about being nice and second chances or some drivel?" She states.

"I mean....yeah. But not for the king. Trust me on this." He tries to reason with her.

"I don't see you offering a stumpload of candy, so why should we?" She leans and glares at him.

The other siders start muttering between themselves for a bit until one yells, "Atten-tion! Listen, cadet, all this back and forth isn't getting us anywhere. The Council should take a vote to decide whether or not to let this king into our side."

"Fine. We'll vote on it." Craig agrees. "But first, I just want to say something. The king can't be trusted. We've tried to warn you all before. If we let him in, we aren't just accepting free candy. It comes with a price." The girl rolls her eyes. "Look, our side may have it's issues, but we're free to play how we want and do what we want. And if we want to keep things that way, we cannot let the king enter our side." Craig tries to explain to the Council.

"And now for the vote. Thumbs up to let the king in, thumbs down to keep him out." We watched as they voted. Craig counts the votes. "Hah! Sorry, 'King,' but the vote is tied. I guess that means you won't be coming in after all! So take your candy and get -" He gets interrupted.

"Um, Craig?"

"Bobby?" Craig looks hurt. "W-Why..."

"You tried your best, but you couldn't help Kit. Now she's gone to summer school. I'm sorry but....you can't always save the day."

"Well, not exactly the warm welcome we were expecting, but thank you all!" The King boasts. "You won't regret this. You'll see we're gonna be very...good...friends. Now, if you don't mind...step aside."

The girl from earlier speaks up, "You heard the Council. Majority rules! Take a hike, Greeny!"

"I guess one vote really can make a difference." He begins to walk away. "Omar! Wait!" Craig yells.

"How dramatic." Xavier states, leaning back in his seat. "Anyway, onward!" We sail past the Council.


Here's part 1. It's a little short but I just did the episode and didn't add much.

Word Count - 719

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