(7) Dinner

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"Y/n, whose your friend?" I hear dad say.

"Hello sir, my name is Jackie." Jackie signs to my dad. He looks nervous. 

"So you're the famous Jackie I've heard so much about. Come in, why don't you join us for dinner?" Dad gives him a smile. He's always been pretty cool about me hanging out with guys since one of my best friends back home was a guy.

Jackie nods and slowly smiles. We go inside and I show him to our new dining room. Our table had gotten delayed so we've been eating in the kitchen for the past few weeks. We set up the dining room yesterday. Mom is there typing on her computer. "Welcome home Y/N." She doesn't look up. "can you go get your siblings and tell them dinner is almost done?" She asks. I nod and tell Jackie he can sit and that I'll be right back.

I go upstairs and see Elijah's door open. "Elijah?" I question looking through the door way. He wasn't there. I go to Charlotte's door and knock. She yells for me to come in and I freeze when I see what had happened. Charlotte had dragged Eli into playing tea party with her. He had on a princess dress and was holding a tea cup. He was smiling and I don't think I've seen anyone wear that dress better. I laugh for a minute. "Dinner's almost done. Come downstairs." My eyes fill up with tears from laughing.

I walk back down the stairs and go into the dining room. Jackie and mom were having a conversation. I sit down and watch as they sign back and forth. They were talking about mom's classes, I assume he asked what she was working on.

"Y/N, why didn't you tell me how nice your friend was?" Mom smiles at me. I see Jackie's face turn a shade of pink. Charlotte and Elijah come running down the stairs and I see that they have taken off the dresses. They run and sit down. Elijah sits at the end of the table beside me and Charlotte across from me. The seat across from Jackie was saved for dad as he brings out the plates and food. We all eat and make small conversations for a while. Jackie was looking down as he eats and Charlotte tries to talk to him.

"I like your goggles." She says and he doesn't hear her. We had taken off our costumes before we left but Jackie wears his googles almost all the time. "Excuse me, Mr?" She tries getting his attention again. I tap on Jackie and translate what she said. "Thank you." He signs with a smile.

"Why are you doing hand gestures? Just talk." She gives him a confused look. I translate for Jackie and give her a small glare. "What?" She asks. "You're being rude. You can't just tell someone to talk."

"Why not?" She has a curious look on her face.

"It's rude and he doesn't talk because he's deaf." I give her another look.

"Oh. I'm sorry Mr." She turns to Jackie. He gives me a confused look and I translate what she had said.

"It's alright. A lot of people have said things like that before." He signs giving her a small smile to reassure her it was ok.

"What did he say?" She looks at me excitedly. I translate what Jackie had said and I set a small promise to myself to teach her sign language.

Dinner ended and I walked Jackie to the front door. "Thank you for having me." He signs. "It was no problem. We'd be happy to have you anytime." He beams at my statement. He hugs me and I feel my heart speed up. It feels like it's about to beat out of my chest and I'm scared he can feel it. We pull apart and he smiles as he waves. As he walks away I lean against the doorway thinking about the hug.

Maybe Aggie was right?


Short filler chapter because I wanted some fluff. It's more than just a filler but also isn't.

Word count - 677

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