(15) Going back and Dodgy Decisions

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The war is over. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I can't show my face on either side of the creek anymore. The Other Siders hate us for invading and the kids on our side resent us for helping the King. I just want my friends back even if we have to go somewhere else.

After the war I stayed home a lot. I would read and draw but not without missing the creek. Jackie comes over to comfort me sometimes. We've gotten closer than ever.

We were sitting in my room against the window sill. I have my head on his shoulder as he had his arm around me. It's comforting in a way nothing else is. He kisses the top of my head and rubs my arm. He has a piece of paper in front of him so that we didn't have to move to talk.

"Keun Sup asked if you were ready to go back yet." He writes down. I take the paper and pencil from him. "I'm not sure. What if they hate me?"

"They won't hate you. I promise." I cuddle closer to him as he holds me tighter.

"Maybe." I look at him. He turns to look at me and gives me a smile.

~ Time Skip ~

Keun Sup and Jackie finally convince me to go back. The two have been back for a week and people were slowly warming up to them after they apologized. We walk up to the Trading Tree and Kit greets them. I stay quiet. She recently started trading some candy from our side so that's what Jackie and Keun Sup normally get. They thank her for the snacks and I just nod.

"Wait a minute. I remember you! You're the girl I gave tour at school too!" Kit's eyes are wide but she's smiling. I have a shocked expression as I slowly nod. "It's good to see you again." She smiles wider as she waves. I slowly smile and wave back. I see Jackie smile at the interaction. We sit down with our snacks and eat for a while. They tell jokes back and forth trying to make me laugh. It works until I look up and see the Stump Kids talking to Kit.

The three get their snacks and leave but it doesn't help the pit in my stomach. I hurt so many kids and they were some of them. I want to apologize but I can't face them. Jackie grabs my hand and squeezes it. I turn to look at him and he asks if I'm ok. I see Keun Sup with and apologetic look. I nod.

~ Time Skip ~

Slowly I've started talking to more kids in the creek. I apologized to the Horse girls and the Ten Speeds for what the King did to their spots. I feel guilty for everything even if I couldn't help it. Me and Jackie would go to the Trading Tree everyday. Sometimes Keun Sup and Aggie would join us. More and more kids were forgiving us but I still feel bad about it all.

Sometimes we would hang out at the candy bar. We all were a lot more comfortable there, with it being on our side. People were no longer scared to talk to us and I started helping Raj write and preform.

Aggie is rambling about random things when Keun Sup interrupts her, "Did you know there's a dodgeball game going on in a few days?" We all look at him confused. "Yea, they're holding sign-ups for you to put your name for captains!"

"We should do it!" Aggie accidently shouts. She get's shushed but Shawn because Raj was singing. "Sorry." She whispers.

I nod my head as Jackie grins. I feel my face get hot as I look at him. I love when he grins.

We all put our name in the bowl but there were tons of other names so we didn't expect much.

~ Time Skip ~

It was the day of the game and we were at the playground preparing. J.P and one of the Horse Girls are protesting but we pay no attention to them.

"Now, whose name shall I choose?" Jackie smiles and I cross my fingers. Aggie has her eyes squeezed shut with her fist clenched and Keun Sup is just standing there.

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