(4) Trespasser

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I head to the group in the morning when I get to school. I wave hello and listen to their conversation. I look over at Jackie's arm and see that the symbol is still there but darker that before. He redrew it. I look over at Keun Sup's arm and there was a faded symbol too. Looking up I see Jackie looking at me strangely.

"Are you ok?" He signs. I nod. "Yea I'm ok just thought about having to do math." I chuckle as I lie. He got nervous when I brought it up last time so it must be something not good. Soon the guy who wasn't here yesterday comes up to us.

"Who are you?" He walks right up to me and asks with a glare.

"I'm Y/N. I'm in your science class." I try to avoid eye contact but it was kind of hard to avoid.

"Xavier calm down. She's in a few of our classes so we thought it would be a good idea to talk to her." Maya says trying to calm this Xavier down.

"Whatever." He mutters before walking past me. He was walking towards the build and the rest of them followed him. "See you in second." Jackie signed before he joined them. They were following him like he would hurt them if they didn't. I head to class thinking about those symbols again. If it's not just Jackie then it must be something with the whole group. I decided I would look to see if the rest of them have the mark too.

"Hey Y/N. Where were you at lunch yesterday?" Craig asks as I sit down.

"Some kids in my second period asked if I wanted to sit with them."

He nods and we go through class talking and doing our work. Soon second period comes around and I see the group in the same seat as yesterday. Xavier doesn't look to happy.

"I liked my old seat. Maya switch with me." I hear him say. He seems bratty. Why do they hang out with him? 

"Are you ok?" Jackie asks me again. "Yea, just thinking." I sign. He nods and we start taking our notes. I finished a little quicker than the group and look to see if I can see the symbol on any others. I look and see a faint red on Aggie's wrist. Maya and Xavier were to far for me to see but I assume they have it too. The rest of the day goes on and I try not to let my curiosity get the better of me.

I get home and grab my drawing bag. It has a notebook and various art supplies. I wanted to find a spot nearby where I can draw outside. I decided that I wanted to find this creek that Craig had mentioned. "I'm going out." I yell so my parents know. I walk towards the woods. I walk for awhile before I find a clearing with a large tree. The sound of running water in the distance was very prominent and I decided this was the spot I would draw at.

I sit down and grab my notebook. I sketch some flowers that were in front of me but soon I started hearing foot steps and grass rustling. I look around and see two figures approaching me. Two boys dressed in weird costumes come out of the grass. I look at their wrist and see the symbols again. 

"Trespasser! What is your purpose for stepping onto the King's land!" The shorter one yells.

"What King's land?" I ask confused. "Playing dumb are we? The King won't like that." He says again. "We're taking you to His majesty." 

"What King? What's happening?!" One of them grabs me by the arm and starts leading me as the other grabs my bag. The one dragging me was taller and dressed as what looks like a water lily.

After a while of walking we arrive in what looks like a town. I see the symbols everywhere. This only makes me more curious. The tall boy holds my hands behind my back as the shorter one leads the way. I can feel everyone staring and I look up at the taller boy. He looks sad but I can't tell why. He was wearing googles that made it hard to see his emotions and where he was looking but I feel like I've seen him before.

Soon we arrive at a tree house and they take me up a pair of spiral stairs. "Your Majesty. We found a trespasser on the outer bounds of the kingdom." The shorter one states before bowing below this "king". The taller boy walks me in front of him and presses my back. I bow assuming that's what he meant. "Well..Well...Well. Look what we have here. Y/N was it?" I look up confused just to make eye contact with Xavier. He has the symbol on his wrist and it wearing a large coat with a flower crown. I look around and see the symbol all over the treehouse.

Maya is standing beside him with a strange face and I look to the side and see the taller boy and a strong looking girl. She kind of looks like Aggie. I look at the two off to the side until it hits me. It's Jackie and Aggie. That means that Keun Sup it the other one. He goes up and hands the king my bag. "What's this?" The King asks him. "The prisoner had it on her when we found her." What does he mean prisoner? I thought we were friends? "Very well, MAYA SEARCH THIS." Xavier yells tossing my bag at Maya. A few pencils fall out but Maya picks them up.

"Yes, Your Majesty." By this point I'm connecting a few dots. The symbol is the King's symbol and he's the King of the creek. But this doesn't sound like the creek Craig was talking about.

"What's going on." I ask, my voice shaky with nervousness.

"You will speak when spoken too." The King glares at me. "What are you doing in MY creek?" He puts his hand to his chest.

"Your creek?" By this point I can barely see straight. I'm so confused and it feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. Tears start to fill my eyes.

"Yes Y/N, MY creek." He glares again. "Answer the question." He uses more force as he gets more frustrated.

"I was just looking for a place to draw." I ask almost crying.

"I see." Maya hands him my notebook. "These are very good drawings." He flips through a few pages. "I'll let you off with a warning this time. What else can you do?"

"What?" I ask dumb-founded. Did he just want to use me?

"What. Can. You. Do. You know. What are you good at. Are you worthy enough." He spits. His voice is as cold as ice.

"Worthy?" My head is spinning by this point.

"Do I have to spell every single thing out for you?" He gives a heavy sigh and leans back in his throne. "Can you play music? Or fight? What about athletics?"

"I used to play piano with my dad and guitar with a friend. I'm not much of a fighter but I can kick hard from playing soccer with my sister." I answer his questions nervously, choking back tears.

"Very good... MAYA!" He yells again.

"Yes My King." She rushes to his side, bowing in front of him.

"I think I found our new Honey Sucker Champion." He grins. His grin reminds me of the Cheshire Cat. It's sincere with an evil intent.

"Honey Sucker?" I question.

"We have champions for every other group of kids but not the Honey Suckle Rangers. It doesn't really matter but the two of them have been begging for a champion. Maya will train you if you agree." He leans forward to look me in my eyes. "And if you don't I will make your life a living hell." His eyes go wide with malice.

Maya walks away for a few minutes and come back with a costume. "If you agree come back and wear this tomorrow. Here take your dumb notebook back." He tosses my bag at me and I barely catch it before it hits me in the chest. "You and Maya will start today. It'll give you an understanding on what you are getting into."

Maya motions for me to follow her and I slowly get up. I don't want him to hurt me or anyone else. I have no choice but to agree. We walk for a while as I put the costume in my bag. I don't know what's going to happen or how this will affect my friends but I have no choice.


Word Count - 1476

I went back and changed some things so if you have already read this before you see this note then you might want to reread this chapter. Mostly dialogue.

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