(11) Capture The Flag P2 - The King

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We sailed down the creek throwing candy in the water and at creek kids we passed.

"Greetings, other siders! Here you go! There's plenty to go around!"

We pass by many kids I've never seen before including some very young ones. We go to the trading tree and Keun Sup rolls out the red carpet, moving kids that are in the way. Maya steps onto the counter and starts to speak, "Kid-izens of Herkleton Farms! Introducing the bringer of candy, the donor of balls, the savior from the other side, the one and only King Xavier!" She motions towards him and steps to the side. He takes her spot and poses. The other siders look confused. Aggie throws a pinata in the arm and Jackie throws a baseball at it. The pinata explodes raining candy on all of the kids as they cheer.

"Hey, hey! Hello, everyone! It's me, King Xavier. Though that's awfully formal sounding, isn't it? You could just call me 'Your Highness,' or 'Your Majesty' if it's more comfortable for you." His face goes blank, "There's a list of approved titles. The Blur will distribute copies." Keun Sup runs and hands a copy to all the other siders that have gathered. "I know a lot of you don't know me, but I'm here to help! I heard a rumor that if you wanted candy on this side you had to, like, trade for it or something. On our side of the creek, we look out for our friends, and now we wanna look out for you." I keep myself from rolling my eyes even if it was tempting. I've never seen a better liar than Xavier.

The kids murmur about how "nice" the king is. "Any questions?" Xavier grins. "Yes?"

"Hi. Um, Bobby. 'My candy?' I voted against my best friend Craig to let you over here and I'm feeling kind of conflicted about it." He looks towards the ground. I feel bad for the kid but it was his choice not ours.

"That's not a question. That's a statement. Next?"

"Hi, Tony. Junior forest scout. I noticed some of your entourage have very snazzy outfits. How might a kid procure one?"

"Those are available for my elite guard." We show off our costumes and pose as Xavier speaks.

"Oh, boy! Sign me up, right, fellas?" Tony gets excited. If only he knew what it actually meant to be one of Xavier's champions. 

"Hey. I have a question!" Craig yells and we all turn towards him. "How do we know we can trust you?"

"Hey-hey-hey! It's Craig, everyone! Welcome, my old friend!"

"Answer the question, Xavier." Craig glares.

"Pfft, come on! What have I ever done that was so bad?" I have to look away for a second to keep myself from laughing.

"Oh, I don't know. How about the time you threw me and my friends into a giant maze?!" 

"That was only because you and your friends snuck into my side of the creek and infiltrated a tournament that I was holding for my friends just so you could take the prizes for yourselves!" Kids start muttering about how it wasn't cool for him to do that. I nod in agreement with my arms crossed. What they did was wrong.

"Well, what about the time you stole my map?" Craig holds up his map and Xavier laughs.

"If I stole your map then why do you have it right now, Craig?" I see Craig get embarrassed at this statement.

"Uh...Well, what about the time you started a deadly snowball fight?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you not like fun? It was just a snowball fight!" I watch as Xavier manipulates the people watching. "Besides, would a bad guy bring you a bounce house?" He motions towards it.

"Nice try, Xavier, but the kids on this side of the creek are not gonna be tempted by--" "A bounce..." "-House!"

Me and the other champions hold up our clipboards. "Yes! This bounce house and all the candy you can eat could be yours! All you need to do is sign your name and number on one of these emergency contact sheets." Kids line up to sign the papers. "Any parent or guardian's number will do. Don't forget to take your shoes off in the bounce house! And that I gave you all of this!"

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