Chapter 3

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"Can you pass me my mascara please" Sarah asks me politely. My phone screen lights up with a notification.

Rafe: We are waiting outside. Hurry the fuck up.

Me: Ok

Me and Sarah quickly get stuff and make our way down stairs to topper's car.

Topper, Kelce and Rafe are already in the car, I get in the back with Sarah having to sit in the middle pushed up against Rafe.

He doesn't even try to give me anymore room so my bar legs are touching the side of his body.

His jaw clenches in annoyance as we go around a corner making me practically fall into Rafes.

I quickly sit up right trying to not make it obvious what just happened, I look up to Rafe who is of course looking at my thighs; god can this man not look in any other direction.

I try my best to face Sarah and we just chat for a while before we make our way into the driveway of a random kooks house.

This house is probably 10 times the size of a regular house in the cut and there are way bigger ones than this including Tanny hill and my own.

I never liked the whole idea of showing off that you have wealth but everyone knew I had it which was the only reason these stuck up kooks respect me.

Me and Sarah get out of the car and see the pouges waiting for us. We get dirty looks as we walk over to our friends.

We walk up to them greeting them all and making sure we are into the house.

The moment I walked in I could smell the alcohol and marijuana in the air and see about 20 people making out with one another.

I of course make my way to the drinks table and grab two unopened beers.
"The punch bowl probably has twenty diseases or been spiked by now, here" I say to Sarah giving her one of the beers.

"Thanks Cordie" she says while smiling.
We all go outside and see a table full of money and alcohol scattered all over it and in the middle of the sofa Rafe.

I look over again and see him put a rolled dollar bill to his nose and down onto the table sniffing all of the white substance away. I look away not wanting him to see me.

I am talking to Sarah when a strong hand pulls me away by the waist to the side.its Rafe.

"Why are those filthy pouges here aurora? ''he grows in disgust.

I crossed my arms not even wanting to be in this conversation.

"They are my friends, I invited them here" I reply matter of factly.

"Tell them to leave, they aren't welcome" he says sternly.

"Whatever Rafe. I'm sick of you obsessing over the pouges vs kooks thing" I roll my eyes in disgust walking away from him. I make sure he knows I'm angry at him.

I got back to the group where JJ is smoking a joint. He passes me one and I take it, placing it in my mouth.

It balances between my lips as I take a needed drag. I sit down next to the boy taking another long drag.

I can hear JJ as kie, pope and John b are talking about the royal merchant as usual.
After a long hour of smoking and drinking, my friends and I ended up pretty high.

"You wanna get a drink?" I nudge JJ lighty in the arm.

"Ok Cory let's go" he says, stretching out the o.

We both stumble our way over to the drink table, holding ourselves up by leaning on one another.

I grab a bottle of raspberry vodka and we leave to go back to the group.

"Pass that over Cordie" Sarah whined, holding her hands out. I could tell she was drunk by the strong scent of alcohol on her breath

"I think you've had enough Sarah, '' I say. She doesn't listen and reaches over to pull the bottle out of my grasp.

She takes a big mouthful of the drink and scrunches her face up from the horrid taste. She passes me back the bottle and I do the same.

A few hours pass by and I look over to Rafe standing in the corner sipping on his drink whilst staring me down. I give him a dirty look before turning away.

I'm not dealing with his bullshit tonight, I want to have fun. He needs to learn to mind his own business.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say as I get up.

I walk into the house and search for a bathroom.The music is just as loud but there are not as many people but still enough that I have to shove past people to move an inch.
I go into the hallway and open the door to the bathroom. It's big with white tiles and gold accents. It's a kook bathroom, what did I expect?

I leave the bathroom trying to get back to my friends when a tall brunette guy comes over with two drinks in his hand.

"For the pretty lady," he says, passing me the red cup.

I hesitantly drink the unknown liquid knocking it back in one feeling the alcohol glide down my throat.

"Woah easy there princess" princess. No one calls me that except for Rafe.

"You wanna come back to mine?" the brunette boy asks me.

"No" I pull my hands to my hand as my brain fogs up. something's not right. "thanks" I finished my sentence.

"Come on" the guy puts his hands around my waist trying to roughly drag me to the exit.
I feel his hold on me slip away, I turn around and see Rafe. his and curled into a fist and aggressively punched the man over and over. The man's face was getting bloodier by the second.

"If you ever even look at her again i will fucking kill you. You understand?" he whispers to the guy thinking I couldn't hear, but I heard it all.

"RAFE WHAT THE FUCK" I scream at him.

He finally stops and walks up to me grabbing my arm.

"We're going home".

I stop to see the boy lying on the floor. Blood pooled around his body.

"Cory" the boy stops next to me as he waits.
After about 15 seconds the impatient boy picks me up and throws me over his shoulders.

"RAFE PUT ME DOWN" I scream hitting his back trying to get him to let go but his grip around me is too strong.

He walks outside unlocking Topper's car and placing me in the passenger seat.

"What about Sarah?" I say, holding onto my head trying to stop the throbbing pain.

"She already said she's going to John b's ,she'll be fine" he answers in a deep tone.

I huff crossing my arms and pulling my legs into my chest. What an asshole.

The drive back was silent. When we got to Tanny hill I felt no better, I stumbled out of the car trying not to trip when Rafes cold hand slipped through my legs carrying me bridal style.

I placed my head into the nook of his neck being in too much pain to fight back.

He takes me up the stairs into his bathroom leaving me there going into his bedroom. He came back with one of his large t-shirts and a pair of his boxers.

"Can I take off your dress? " he asks calmly.
I nod in approval as he lifts up my red dress revealing my matching lingerie. his eyes trace toned my body before putting his t-shirt and a pair of his boxers on me.

He grabs some wipes out of his draw and wipes my makeup off gently before picking me up once again and laying me into his bed.

AUTHORS NOTE: hey guys thank you for reading. I'm hoping to post chapters frequently 💗
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