Chapter 14

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The ambulance was about 20 minutes before it took Sarah and John b to the hospital.

I sat on the grass so tired I couldn't even bear to walk.

The air was now cold and the sky was at its peak of darkness, I spotted a black car in the distance parked in the corner, similar to Rafe's.

If there was any chance it was Rafe I was going.

To beat his fucking ass.

I quickly got up, making my head dizzy.

"Guys I'm going to go pee I'll be right back" I shouted to the others as I made my way over.

As I walked, the gravel path made it almost impossible to walk in heels.

I tapped on the tinted windows three times before it rolled down.

Rafe and Kelce were sitting in the car, there were rolled up 100 dollar bills scattered everywhere and a fine line of powder dusted on the dashboard.

"For fuck sakes Rafe get out" I shouted.

I was far enough for the pouges that even if I screamed as much as I possibly could they weren't gonna hear me.

He stumbled out of the car before I grabbed to back off his head and pulled him away from the car.

"What the fuck are you doing here" I growl in his ear.

He winced in pain " Cory stop being so loud oh my god I'm gonna go deaf" he tried to grab my hand but I dug my nails in his hand to stop him.

"Me and Kelce are just waiting for topper, what is your problem?" he was acting so clueless.

"You and your friends just love to fucking hurt mine"I scowl only an inch away from his face as my grip tightened on the back of his head.

"Please let go of my head" he shouts. I finally let go

I stay so close to him. All the comfort I felt from his presence was gone.

He and topper hurt my friends. Again. And again.

"I know you jumped pope" i deadpanned "how could you" tears from in my eyes making them burn.

He did nothing but look away from my glares.

All he can do is fucking glare at me? After all we went through and this is all he can say he is a fucking lying piece of shit that I can't trust.

I have nothing with him. Even if we weren't dating before we were something. We both Felt something. But whatever I felt is so gone.

"We're done" I shake my head in disgust to think it has to end "whatever this was" I voice cracks as I say my last words before walking back to the group.


"I'm surprised wards not making you sleep outside" i chuckle lightly.

"Me too" John b replies "it's all very strange" he says scratching the back of his head "I feel weird being in the house like I'm not welcome" he adds.

"Well definitely not by Rafe" JJs remark makes my chest tighten hearing his name since I ended whatever we had.

Its not like I haven't thought about him every second after though. All I think is how different it would be if he was here. When I wake up in the morning I want to feel his arm around me and when I stay awake all night the only thoughts are of him.

The past week I've been with the pouges and tonight we are going to look for the gold in some scary old lady's house.

I wish I was more excited but I just can't get him off my mind.

And the fact it's a scary old lady's house.

"Yo Cory" a hand waves in my face snapping me back into reality.

"Yep" I smile as the boy looks at me."what's up" I add.

"Before we go on a mission tonight do you wanna come with me to do some errands?" he asks.

"When have you ever done errands before?" I roll my eyes at him.

"Well I will today" he smirks

"Fine" I got up off the couch abruptly.

"But we gotta go now so we can go back in time" I start to walk out of the chateau as the boy follows me like a lost puppy.


"What type of 'errand' is this shit" I look up at the house. The windows were about to break off and there was definitely a safety hazard with living in there.

"Shhhh" he whispers playfully in my ear as he walks inside.

"Yo" he calls out into the wreck of a house.

"JJ" a skinny man appears and walks over to him as he stands behind the boy.

"Who's this pretty girl?" The man looks at me with the most disgusting grin that makes me feel ill.

"My girl man back off" Jj calmly says trying not to start shit for once.

"Alright" the strange man put his hand in the air to hold up the peace.

Was he just saying that to protect me or was it more than that?

"Can I get a 2.5?" he asks the man.

"Sure sure" he walks over to his bag and pulls out a bag of green.

JJ hands him the money and puts the bag in his pocket.

The whole room is silent.

Jj walks out of the house as I follow him.
"Thanks man" he calls out before stepping outside into the boiling heat.

"You have some very important errands" I smile and I jump on his bike and wrap my arms around his waist.

"You not happy princess?" his sarcastic comment just makes me think of him.
"Fuck off" I brush off.


"Do you have a lighter?" he asks while rolling a joint.

My legs dangle over the edge of the water as I grab my pink lighter out of my pocket of my Jean shorts.

We sat in our favourite spot.

The boat dock was a sacred place for me and jj for many things and just like this time it was peaceful; no drama,no fighting,no Rafe.

"How the hell were you gonna smoke if you didn't have me?" I laugh as I throw the lighter in his lap.


The sun was about to set.

We were baked asf now and we still had to get the gold from Mrs crain's house. John b is actually gonna kill us.

"Come on big guy we gotta go" i sat jj on the back before helping the stoned boy up.

His body weight leans on me as we walk off the boat dock on step at a vision was blurry, my heads span around. The drugs had clearly taken a toll on me. I stumbled forward when I lost concentration which took jj down with me.

The impact of the fall hurt but at that moment of time I didn't really care.

The burst of laughter that came out of Maybanks' mouth broke the silence. I started to laugh as well like it was contagious.

"Oh my fucking god" i manage to say before im overwhelmed by my laughter that was uncontrollable.

This was normal when i smoked. Some people become calm or sad maybe angry but for me by only communication when im high is through the giggles that escape. I don't mind it. I actually love it, it makes me feel like me again if i'm in a mood. I've probably abused that for a while.

Some people say drunk words, sober thoughts. Is that the same with drugs.

"I love you Caludeliah White"

AUTHORS NOTE: hi guys I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I've just been really busy with school but I'm hoping to write some more over spring break 🩷🩷
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Thank you for reading as always 🩷

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