18-Secret lover.

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Isyss looked over at Vibe as he sat in her room at her desk softly humming.

She noticed he had done that lately, a lot.

She blinked a few times before she got up pulling the blanket around her.

"Hey, what you doin?" She asked looking up at him.

"Oh, nothin." He said putting his phone in his pocket.

"So you're sure there aren't any other females I gotta worry about?" Isyss asked and Vibe sucked his teeth as she stood up.

She looked at him with a pen.

"No." He said sitting his phone on the desk and it was playing something.

"I was kiddin but I didn't know you- You were writin?" She said with a smile.

"Sorry." She said realizing she had jumped to accuse him lately that maybe that joke was a bit too soon.

She didn't want to do that anymore, worry about him entertaining anyone but her, she had done that a lot lately.

"Yea, I aint felt up to it lately, well sometimes I do." He said not wanting to admit it was around her he found himself in thought, in song.

When he was away all he could think about was her.

"Sometimes you just get quiet, I notice it I dont know what to do but when you shut me out it feels like you..." She paused.

"You wanna keep things to yourself I get it but-" She started and he pulled her to him.

"I just haven't been able to write lately." He said to her.

"Oh." She said surprised.

"So when I be on my phone or tunin out sometimes that's what's goin on tryna get over my writer's block." He said and she smiled climbing into his lap.

"Did you just call me your inspiration?" She teased him and he laughed.

"Can I see. well, hear it?" She asked and he looked at her.

"Hell na you will critique me to death." He said and she smiled.

"I wouldn't do that cause we all know you sensitive." She joked poking his nose.

"I never really thought you get writer's block." She said holding him.

"Maybe I'm not such a muse huh?" She chuckled.

"Just been a lot goin on. Sometimes like a lot to take in wit errything." He admitted.

She looked at him and smiled.

"What?" He asked.

"How about you come out with me?" She said and he looked at her.

"You, out wit me?" He pointed and she laughed.

Isyss quickly put on her clothes and passed him his.

She glanced around her room and grabbed a baseball cap.

"Come on." She tugged him half-dressed.

He laughed at the idea but he went along with it as he hurriedly put on the rest of his clothes.

Isyss grabbed her sister's keys and headed for the apartment door.

"Do you even know how to drive?" He teased as they got into the elevator heading to the parking garage.

"Shut up." She laughed kissing him.

"Do you mr 'wheres my car?'" She teased back.

"I see you got jokes now that you in a better mood." He laughed.

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