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shawn's pov

it was 2:15, school was over and i was making my way through the empty hallways to extra help. i turned the corner and bumped into something, sending the papers that were once in my hand to the floor. but as i kneeled down to pick up the papers, i realized i hadn't bumped into something but someone. the person i bumped into was helping me gather my papers and theirs too. i look up to meet the eyes of probably the most beautiful girl i have ever seen in my entire life. i gathered my papers, and she gathered hers. she got up first and held out a hand to help me up, which i accepted. i was at a loss for words, like i was starstruck. she lightly smiled and walked away.

what the frick shawn don't let her get away.

i soon turned and stopped her in her tracks to introduce myself.

"hey, i haven't seen you around school before, my name is shawn." i greeted her while staring into her beautiful eyes.

"hi shawn, my name is y/n." she said while flashing me her beautiful smile and shaking my hand.

"so where are you heading?" she asked me.

"i was just about to go to extra help for math, it is confusing as hell. what about you?" she giggled and looked down at the papers she held in her hand.

"well actually i was going to the library to tutor some freshman for the math program. even though it's not my turn to do it anyway."

"you tutor freshman? for math? what's your average, an 80?" i was completely stunned how she even understood the slightest concept of math.

"actually i take honors trig, and i'm in the pi club, and my average is a 98." she said nonchalantly. i can't believe she is smart enough to be in honors trig, like what the hell. that's like fricking college math. {a/n i actually know nothing about honors classes and high school stuff so sorry if this is a wrong}

i hesitated for a moment before asking her, "so if you don't need to tutor the freshman today, do you think you could come over to my house and tutor me?" she raised an eyebrow, then she smiled her beautiful smile once again, "does the square root of twelve point twenty five equal to three point five?" she questions.

i must have looked completely clueless because she started laughing hysterically at my utter confusion, "that's a yes, shawn"


"so what's the denominator for the second equation?" y/n asked me as we sat on my bed with papers scattered everywhere.

"ummm," i hesitated.

"21?" i asked her in a voice like the kid from the vine. she gave me an irritated stare as she said,

"shawn mendes if you don't take this seriously i will get my hardcover text book out of my bag and whack you straight upside your head." she said plainly.

"okay okay fine. but can we take a break, i feel like we have been studying for hoooours." dragging out the 'o' to make it more dramatic.

"alright, help he get these papers off your bed." she said to me while collecting all the papers into a pile as i helped, and placed them on the nightstand next to my bed.

"so tell me about yourself y/n..."


part two? or naaaaah. hope you enjoyed this stupid image, if i make a part two though it will be much better.


Shawn Mendes Imagines / OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now