happy birthday, baby

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being that shawn and i have been married for almost a year, we have been trying to have a kid. but due to some complications in my body, my doctor says there is a one in ten chance of me being able to get pregnant.

despite the odds, shawn and i kept trying for a kid, and i'm glad we did so.

i look at all three positive pregnancy tests on my bathroom counter. i shed tears of joy, i was so excited to tell shawn.

it just so happens that tomorrow is shawn's birthday. i was going to take him out to a nice surprise dinner, but i think i may have a bigger surprise in mind.

-----flash forward to shawn's birthday-----

shawn and i were cuddled on the couch watching his favorite movies. i looked up at shawn and he looked down at me and smiled.

"happy birthday babe."

"thank you y/n, i love you."

"i love you too, wanna see the surprise i have for you?"

"awe y/n, i told you you didn't have to get me anything!" shawn cooed.

"well i think you will really like this surprise." i said as i got off the couch and headed into the kitchen, where i had hid a card that said "happy birthday shawn... surprise!" with a positive pregnancy test taped underneath the lettering.

i rushed back into the living room and turned off the tv. i handed shawn the card and a look of confusion appeared on his face.

"well, open the card!" i enthused.

shawn laughed and opened the card. he read what was written in the card and his expression fell. he had no emotion present on his face whatsoever. he glanced at me and then back at the card.

"what." shawn dead panned, eyes locked on the card.

"shawn, we're having a baby." i said smiling.

shawn looked up from the card and into my eyes, tears swelled in his as he smiled weakly. he set the card down on the table next to him before placing a sweet, passionate kiss on my lips.

when he pulled away, he engulfed me in a hug sobbing.

"y/n, i-i'm going to-to b-be a d-dad oh my gosh, oh my gosh." shawn managed to say between sobs as his head was dug into the crook of my neck. he started to plant kisses all around my neck and face saying 'i love you' after each kiss. he the started placing small kisses on my stomach doing the same thing.

i was already crying at this point as i brought his head up so he was looking at me.

"i never thought i was going to be able to have kids with you shawn." i said as i let tears of joy spill from my eyes. Shawn wiped my tears away with the pads of his thumbs. he smiled so big and bright before placing another kiss on my lips.

he brought his head down to my stomach and softly spoke to it.

"you are the best birthday surprise i have ever received." shawn said as he wiped the remaining tears from his eyes.

"happy birthday, baby."

Shawn Mendes Imagines / OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now