Beach Day

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"Would you hurry up? The water is super rough today and I wanna swim in da waves!" I exclaim to Shawn as he lays out blanket out onto the warm sand.

"Gimme one minute babe and den we can go in da water." Shawn replies, mocking my tone.

"Haha very funny Mendes. Now hurry your slow ass up and let's get in the water!"

I grab Shawn by the wrist, making him drop everything he has in his hands, and drag him in the water with me until we are about knee deep so the waves are crashing in front of us.

"Slow ass? You have called my ass many things before babe... Sexy, round, hot, perfect, but never slow." Shawn says in a some what serious tone.

"Dork." I say rolling my eyes.

"Don't you mean, Daddy?" Shawn remarks my comment...

"Alright Mendes how about this. You swim in the ocean with me for ten minutes without getting mauled by a wave, and I'll let your 9 inch maul me later." I say laughing.

Shawn smirks. Followed my him grabbing my wrist and pulling me further in the water.

"Well common slow ass... We better get in the water!" Shawn explains to me before we submerge into the water.

I am a very good swimmer, so I love swimming in the ocean when it's rough. It's the excitement and adrenaline of having the waves twice as big as you come towards you, and having to make the decision of how to approach it. But once you resurface from the way unharmed... You want to do it ten times over.

About six minutes later, the waves start curling and crashing even harder. It's starting to get a little too out of hand, but I think I can handle it. I see another wave coming and it is pretty big. I swim farther out so it doesn't crash on me. But I didn't quite make it. I stumble under the water for a few seconds but manage to resurface a few feet behind where I just was. Although this time, something didn't feel quite right. I look down to notice that the wave took my bikini top completely off. I peer to my left to see Shawn had drifted a few feet away from me. I take a huge breath and dive under the water and swim towards him. I manage to reach him without having to come up for air. Air air air air- oh sorry...

"Shawn... I really need your help with something." I say to him as we float over a slightly smaller wave.

"What is it ba-" he stops himself as he turns to me to see my bare chest through the water. He continues to stare for a few more seconds... Alright, I have to do something about this.

"Hey horndog! Eyes up here bud." I say making Shawn's head snap back up. Just then another wave comes and we dive under it. After that the waves seem to subside for a little while. Until the next set of big waves come.

"Shawn I need you to cover my chest for me as I get out of the water so I can grab my towel." I say as I frantically look around, hoping no one else in the water can see my chest.

"Ok-okay. Uh, just like... Pretend you're hugging me. That way your chest is covered with my body." He says. I nod my head and engulf him as we start to wad out of the water together. Just as we reach shore the tail end of a wave catches us from behind making me collapse on top of Shawn into the sand. Shawn smirks and I just cover my chest with my arm and run up to our beach chair. I grab a towel and rap it around me rapidly so no one could see me. I sit in the sand and Shawn approaches the chair and grabs the other towel.

"Shawn it's alright I already grabbed a towel-"

"Oh I know. This towel is for me... Not you." He laughs as he sits in the sand with me and places the towel over his massive boner.

"You know-" he starts, "We were in the water well over ten minutes, and I didn't get attacked by a single wave." Shawn says proudly. Knowing what his reward is going to be later.

"Yes I know, congratulations-" I start as Shawn grins wildly. "Daddy." I whisper seductively into his hear.

"You know, we have plenty of time to go to the beach this summer. Let's say we head back home and go to the beach some other time." Shawn says as he scurries up and starts packing our beach gear away.

"Alright whatever you say, Daddy." I giggle as Shawn stops packing. He looks at me lustfully with a stern posture.

"If you don't stop teasing me I'm going to have to fuck you right here in the beach, I'm getting impatient." He says as I could tell the sexual tension was rising in him.

"We could always try car sex you know?" I offered. "Race you to the car!" I yelled as I jolted up holding the towel around my chest.

The ocean may have been rough today, but Shawn was rougher.

Shawn Mendes Imagines / OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora