drop in the ocean

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shawn's pov

i was in my hotel room unpacking my bag, getting ready for the first magcon show tonight, when i heard a girl singing in the hotel room next to me.

"a drop in the ocean,
a change in the weather
i was praying that you and me
might end up together
it's like wishing for rain as i stand in the desert
but i'm holding you closer then most
'cause you are my heaven."

wow, she was an amazing singer. i have to meet this girl.


tonight was the night that my best friend y/n was going to sing a drop in the ocean at magcon. when the show is over, i'm going to ask her out on a date. she doesn't know it yet, but i have had a crush on her since i met her that night of the first magcon show.


i played a drop in the ocean on my radio as i waited for y/n to come outside. she came outside and looked at me with tears in her eyes as i held up a sign that read, 'y/n, will you be my girlfriend?'.


i walked along the beach with y/n, our hands intertwined. i told her how much i loved her, before pulling a black velvet box from my back pocket and getting down on one knee. she covered her mouth in shock as a tears spilled from her eyes.

"y/n, you are my heaven. will you marry me?" i asked before she tackled me on the ground and showered me with kisses before saying yes.


we gently swayed back and fourth together as we danced to our wedding song, a drop in the ocean. i looked down at y/n and she looked stunning in her beautiful wedding dress. she was so perfect, and now she is mine. forever.

"i love you y/n,"

"i love you too shawn."


"it's just a drop in the ocean, a change in the weather," i gently sang to my two month old daughter. as i cradled her in my arms as she lay sound asleep. y/n walked up from behind me and gave me a small kiss on the lips. we both smiled at each other before pulling away, and watched our little angel sleeping in my arms.


i was driving home from work when a drop in the ocean came on the radio. i smiled to myself and thought of all the great memories that y/n and i have shared for the past twenty years we have known eachother. i was driving down the highway when my chest started to tighten and my vision became blurry, what is going on? soon a huge force hit the side of my car as it flipped over. the car lay in ruins on the side of the road as my injuries and heart attack started to take over my body. i could still faintly hear the radio playing as sirens got louder and louder. before everything became silent, all i could hear was the radio.

"it's just a drop in the ocean
a change in the weather i was praying that you and me might end up together,"

and then everything went black.


eh, this was okay. i'm editing this tho so sorry for any errors. IMAGINE REQUESTS ARE OPEN

Shawn Mendes Imagines / OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now