tharn and type and fiat

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Tharn: Love, are you okay, please talk to me.

Type: Baby, please are you okay? You know you can talk to us.

Tharn and Type had been worried sick about Fiat because he hadn't been the same and Type had been the first to notice because usually every day he left Fiat would beg for a goodbye kiss and would let Type leave until he got one but for the past 4 weeks Fiat hadn't once asked for anything from either Type or Tharn.

They were worried very worried because this wasn't how he usually was. He was usually bubbly happy smiling all around and asking for kisses and cuddles. Whenever he wanted them smilingthey gave them to him. Because he is the baby and he knew it. But today and for the past 4 weeks he hasn't once asked for a kiss or a cuddle.

Tharn: Baby we know something up, please tell us.

Tharn was getting upset as well. He wanted to know if Fiat was going to be okay and if he could do anything to help.

A week went by and Type started hating this feeling of anger, but he hated it because his baby stopped cuddling with them or kissing him whenever he wanted to, Their baby stopped being embedded with him. Every single night like he used to. Type was angry and sad at the same time because he didn't know how to help Fiat.

Tharn on the other side of watching Type is angry because he missed his baby's cuddles. And kisses and the fact that he doesn't have someone on either side of him anymore. He hated it because Fiat was no longer like he used to be, and it killed him on the inside.

Fiat' POV

I know what I'm doing. I don't need help. I just need to be left alone. I know Type is worried sick and angry. Because I'm not the same person he knows me as. But I don't know how to talk to them about what I'm going through. I don't know how to start that conversation. But I know I should. I want my boyfriend to know that I'm okay but at the same time I'm not and I can't lie to them.

But I don't want to burden them with my problems. I just need some time to figure things out on my own. But seeing them worry hurts me too. I know they love me and I love them too, but it's just hard right now. I hope they understand and I hope I can find the courage to talk to them soon. I just need to figure things out and then I'll talk to them. I promise.

As the days passed, Fiat's inner turmoil only seemed to grow, making it harder for him to keep up the facade of being okay. Type and Tharn noticed how Fiat was withdrawing more and more, and they were both getting increasingly worried.

One evening, they found Fiat sitting alone in their living room, staring blankly at the wall. Tharn and Type sat with him, gently wrapping their arms around him, and without saying a word, Fiat finally broke down and began to open up about what was troubling him.

As they listened, Type and Tharn reassured Fiat that they were there for him and that he didn't have to go through this alone. They expressed their love and support, and together they started to untangle the tangle of emotions that Fiat had been grappling with.

With time, patience, and understanding, Fiat began to slowly heal and regain his sparkle. And the three of them became even closer, knowing that they could rely on each other through thick and thin.


The week after Fiat broke down and opened up about his troubles and everything, he still hadn't gone back to what Type missed until one morning Type was on his way out to work.

Type: Bye my love, I will see you after work.

As Type was about to walk.out, Fiat yelled out to him to wait.

Fiat: You forgot something.

Type: What did I forget?

Type looked at what he had and then he felt Fiat, kiss him. The sweetest most loving kiss ever.

Type shed a tear because he had wanted this for ages and he finally got it to the point that Type cried so much that Type did not go to work that morning.

Tharn, Type, and Fiat's love had grown so much and they Communicated both each other on everything they knew should be helped with.

Everything went back to normal, and everything was as loving as can be.

The end.

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