Chapter four

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Michelle's POV

After eating at the diner (which I didn't eat since I wasn't hungry) we went to my place. Right now it's 7:30 and we are watching movies. We were in my room just in case my aunt and uncle come.

"Michelle?" A voice asked. Shit. Spoke so soon.

"Guys! Quick! Get up and hide somewhere! My uncle is coming!" I whisper yelled. They four boys got up and went inside my closet. I went to my bed and continued to watch the movie.

"Michelle your aunt and I need to speak to you." my uncle said. I nodded and told him I'd be downstairs in 2 minutes. The four boys got out of the closet as soon as my uncle closed the door.

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"Well my aunt and uncle want to speak to me. I'll be right back. Watch the movie. Do something but don't make noise." I said. The boys nodded and I went downstairs. I sat down in front of my aunt and uncle.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Well you see I got promoted and I need to leave to Melbourne. All of us. We're moving to Melbourne." My aunt said.

"Wait. I never saw that sweater. Who's is it?" My uncle said. Crap. I completely forgot I was wearing Luke's sweater.

"Um... I bought it today." I lied. Thankfully they bought it.

"Back to business. We have to start packing." my aunt said.

"But I don't want to go. I want to stay. Please." I said. My aunt sighed.

"I don't know. I mean you only 17 and your too young to stay alone." my aunt said.

"I'm turning 18 in 2 weeks." December 28 is my birthday.

"We leave in three weeks. But I guess I can trust you alone. Fine. You can stay under one condition." my aunt said.

"Which is...?" I asked.

"Call us everyday. I mean it." my uncle said. I smiled and hugged them tightly. I started walking upstairs when my uncle stopped me.

"Michelle?" He asked.

"Yes?" I said.

"Why does that sweater smell like a guy?" He asked. Ugh. I keep forgetting it's Luke's. I'm so stupid.

"Okay. I guess you caught me. When I was walking to the park a guy hugged me. I pushed him off and turns out I wasn't the person he needed to hug." I lied. Again. My uncle laughed and so did my aunt. They let me go to my room and I went to my room. I got to my room and I closed the door. Time to play a joke on these guys.

"What happened?" Ashton asked.

"I'm leaving to Melbourne in 3 weeks." I said.

"What?!" They whisper yelled.

"Yea I only have three weeks and I'm out of Sydney." I said.

"Really?" Calum asked. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

"No." I said.

"I guess we have to spend these 3- wait what?" Luke said.

"Do you guys really think I would leave Sydney? I would never. I want to spend my first Christmas here and with you guys." I said.

"They also asked me about the sweater. Here Luke. Before I forget to give it to you." I added.

"No. Keep it." Luke said. I smiled and nodded leaving the sweater on.

"Okay. Sorry guys. But I have to sleep to go to school tomorrow." I said. They nodded and Michael, Calum, Ashton went through the the window.

"Luke aren't you gonna go?" I asked. Then it happened. Luke kissed me. He kissed me!

"I wasn't going to leave without doing that." he said. I blushed and kissed him on the cheek. Luke left through the window and I closed it. I changed into my pajamas and put the sweater on. I went to brush my teeth and then went to bed. I went to sleep. But with the kiss on my mind.


Why did Luke say 'I wasn't going to leave without doing that?'


I woke up due to my alarm beeping. I groaned and got up. First day of school. I took a shower and when I was done I put on my black skinny jeans and my red long sleeved shirt. I even put Luke's sweater on. There is also a secret I've been hiding. No one can know. Why did I even mention it? I put on my red converse and left my hair loose. I went downstairs to see my uncle and he was holding up car keys.

"Michelle now that you are going to school and I showed you the directions to it I want you to have these keys." He said.

I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you. Thank you. Well I better get going. Don't want to be late. I only have 30 minutes and I want to buy a coffee before I go in. Bye." I said. I gave my uncle a kiss on his cheek and left. I saw a black Honda and it had a sign.

Happy Birthday!

My birthday isn't due till 2 weeks. I smiled and took the sign off putting it in the car. I got in the car and drove off to school. So far I'm loving this place. But something is off. Well a lot of things are off.

There was no traffic and that was the good part. I went to a coffee shop and ordered a small coffee. I gave the guy money and then I waited. The guy soon came with my coffee and he smiled at me.

"Thank you..." I said.

"Brett." he said.

"Brett. Thank you Brett." I said. He smiled and nodded.

I was about to leave since I only have 20 minutes left when Brett stopped me.

"Hey um I didn't catch your name." He said.

"Michelle. The names Michelle Irwin." I said.

"Do you think we can switch numbers so we can meet up later on or some other day?" Brett asked. I nodded and gave him my number and he gave me his number.

"Brett?" I asked.

"Yea?" He said.

"We should hang out when your off and I'm out of school." I said.

"What time you come out of school?" He asked.

"2:30." I said.

"I come out of work at 3:00." he said.

"I'll pick you up. If I don't have anything else to do. If I do have something to do please forgive me. If I don't I'll pick you up." I said. Brett nodded and I left to school.

Brett is cute but...

I like Luke.

I don't like Brett. No.

I like Luke.

Brett is going to be like a brother to me.

I wish Luke asked me to be his girlfriend.


What did I just say?

I think I said I wish Luke asked me to be his girlfriend.

I Luke so much and the kiss he gave me last night was all I can think about.

I still think about it.

Well duh. It happened last night.

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