Chapter thirty four

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We're in our lunch period right now and luckily so far Dean and Lucifer haven't bothered us. I was at my locker putting my books away while everyone else was already in the cafeteria. I wasn't really hungry and wasn't in the mood to be with anyone right now so I headed up to the roof.

I would always come here when I wanted to be alone. Sometimes I would ask Luke to come up here with me. But he'd have to sneak in first.

I sighed and saw the halls empty. Well not completely empty. There were some people just walking around or in class or just outside on their phones.

I felt my phone vibrate.

Nat❤️: where are you?

Me: oh, I'm at the library studying for finals

Nat❤️: finals aren't for another 2 months. It's only April.

Me: I know but I like to get a head start. I mean we might have reviews and quizzes so we can prepare ourselves but I'd like to get a head start

Nat❤️: alrighty then. See you next class x

I had to lie because no one knows how to get to the roof which is pretty easy. The door that leads up to the roof says a sign "teachers lounge" which makes students think teachers have more lounges but they only have one.

I just got curious one day because I've never seen a teacher go in there so when I went in there, it lead me to the roof and I never told anyone about it.

Except for Luke.

I got a picture out from my bag and it was a picture of Julie.

"Missing you so much. Wish you were here." I said.

Tears were coming out as I was looking at the picture. I'm going to visit New Jersey again after school ends so I can see how things are with her house. Or my house now. It's both of our house.

"Why did you leave?"

I hugged the picture and was softly and quietly crying.

"I love you."

I heard the warning bell ring and I quickly put the picture away and went downstairs. I wiped my tears and I go to my locker and get my books for my next class. I close my locker and walked to my next class. 

I sat down at the back of the class and Nathaly soon comes in.

"Have you been crying?" She asked.

"No. I'm fine." I lied.

She looks at me suspiciously but I just smiled weakly and the teacher comes in when the bell rang again.


Finally school ended for today.

"We'll meet up at the entrance of the amusement park at 5:30." Tom said.

I nodded and Nathaly, Alex, and I get inside my car before I drove off.

Things are getting pretty easy to do with just one hand. I get my cast taken off next weekend and I'm so happy. It makes my hand itch and it's pretty hard to shower with it. Everything else is pretty easy.

We arrived at the house and we get inside the house.

Luckily today there were no paparazzi.

"Hey, I'm gonna go for a quick walk. I'll be back in a few." I told Nathaly.

"Okay. Take Alex with you." She said.

Alex nods and we leave.

"So how did you get this position?" I asked him.

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