Chapter twenty two

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Luke's POV

Right now the guys and I are speaking to management.

We told the guys about taking Michelle to a therapist and everything Ashton and I talked about shortly after michelle was asleep.

"Can we please have a few more weeks off?" Ashton asked.

"My sister isn't really feeling well and we're trying to get her some help but we wanted to speak to you first since touring is around the corner and I don't think it'll do good for my sister." Ashton said.

"Look just give us another month off. We'll try our best to get her better by that time. Please we really need this." I said.

"She really needs us. She's going through a lot and she won't be able to handle herself without us." Calum said.

"Just please give us some more time. We just got her back and we need her to get better." Michael added.

"Fine. Just one month and then you guys are back. No more than a month." Our manager said.

We all cheer and thank him.

We go out, get in the car, and check the time.

"It's 12:30. Shouldn't michelle be-" Calum was cut off by Ashton's phone ringing.

"It's michelle." Ashton said.

He answered it and put it on speaker since we were in the car.

"Hey michelle." Ashton said.


"Michelle?" Ashton asked.

This time there was no silence.

This time there was crying.

"Hey michelle. What's wrong babe?" I asked.

She kept crying.

It's like she can't even hear us.

"Michelle?" I asked.

"Get out of my head." She said.

She butt dialed us.

"Just stop! Please get out of my head!" She cried.

"Michelle!" Ashton yells.

She can't hear us.

"Why did my life have to be so difficult? Why did I have to be bullied in high school? Why was I such a coward to tell anyone? How come Nathaly, Derek, Dylan, or Melody didn't notice? What did I ever do to my bullies?" She cries.

"Michelle was bullied?" Ashton says voice breaking.

"Please get out of my head. I'm trying to get better." She cries.

"We should go pick her up before she does something." I cried.

Michael drives and we arrive at her school.

We stayed on the phone.

We heard the bell go off.

She sniffles.

"Just please stop." She says before we hear the water go off.

I'm guessing she washed her face and wiped it after because we heard the door open and close.

Ashton hung up and we wiped our tears.

Ashton and I go inside while Calum and Michael wait.

We had to put a wig and sunglasses so no one would notice it was us.

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