Chapter fourteen

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Michelle's POV

I'm so fucking shocked & hurt & pissed & so many emotions.

Nathaly & Dylan stayed with me while everyone else left to someone's place since they thought we needed time alone. Just the four of us.

How could she do this to us?

We made a fucking funeral for her!

We thought she was dead!

It's making me worse. I thought I lost her like I lost Julie. She just messed all of us up!

"How could you do this to us!? We fucking planned a funeral for you! & it was all fucking fake!? How could you do this especially to Dylan!? He was messed up & he was fucking depressed & you come & do this!? How could you!?" I yell.

"Michelle calm down. It's not good for you." Dylan said.

"You disgust me." Nathaly said.

"I meant to tell you guys but I didn't know how." She said.

"A simple call would've worked. A simple 'Hey guys. I'm fine. I got somewhere safe even if I couldn't run. I'm alive.' But noooo you decide to hide from us & do this. Get the fuck out!" I said.

"Michelle please." She said.

"Nathaly get my doctor please. I need to get a new therapist." I said.

"Michelle. Let me explain." She said.

"There's nothing to explain Melody! You clearly didn't want to talk to us. Especially to Dylan." I said.

Dylan left but before doing that he said something to Melody.

"I loved you & I thought you did too."

He left crying. Poor Dylan.

"See what you've caused with this! Get the fuck out Melody." I said.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you." She said before leaving crying.

I feel bad now but at the same time I don't because she didn't tell us she was still alive.

The doctor came & I told him I wanted a new therapist because that one was very late.

The doctor agreed to get me a new therapist & then I sighed.

"By the way Michelle, your mom & brother are here to pick you up. You are free to go. Merry Christmas." The doctor said.

"Thanks. Same to you." I said.

My mom came in & with my clothes.

I went to go change & then we met up with Ashton.

I smiled weakly & hugged him.

Then I started crying.

"How could she do this?" I cried.

"Let's go home." Ashton said.

I nodded & we left.

I had tears coming out the whole ride & Ashton was finding a way to cheer me up. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Nathaly left after she called the doctor & I haven't heard anything from Dylan yet.

I hope he's okay.

Of course he's not okay Michelle!

We got to my house & Ashton helped me out.

I wiped my tears since I didn't want anyone knowing I was crying.

We walked in & everyone was there waiting.

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