Chapter twenty

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Luke's POV

I'm so stupid! How could I ever think michelle would cheat on me?! How!? Now she ran away and its been 2 weeks since she left. It's all my fault. Even though she says it's not I know it is. I had to spend New Years by myself. Well I had the guys and the family but Michelle wasn't here. She was the only one not here. Her friends and family were but not her.

I tried calling her.

"Hey!" I hear her voice.

"Hey-" I was cut off.

"It's michelle! Sorry I didn't answer but leave a voicemail. Bye!" She said.

"Hey michelle. Look I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't of thought that you cheated. I just got jealous. Please come back. We need to talk and sort this out. I can't lose you. Although I already did. You just broke off our engagement. But it's all my fault. I'm sorry. Please call me back." I said.

I hung up and threw my phone.

"Dammit!" I yelled.

I got so mad I punched the wall really hard my hand stared bleeding.

"Shit!" I said.

I went to the hospital to get it checked out and they just stitched up the cut I had and did all that.

Afterwards I went back home and tried calling michelle again.

"Hey! It's michelle! Sorry I didn't answer but leave a voicemail. Bye!"

"Michelle please answer me. Call me." I said.

I hung up and called her again.


Hung up.

Called again. Voicemail. Hung up. I called her about 5 more times but no answer so I just decided to sleep it off.

Michelle's POV

After I didn't hear my phone blow up with messages and calls I decided to hear Luke's voicemail.

"Hey michelle. Look I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't of thought that you cheated. I just got jealous. Please come back. We need to talk and sort this out. I can't lose you. Although I already did. You just broke off our engagement. But it's all my fault. I'm sorry. Please call me back." He said.

I saw that he called me about 20 times in total. He texted me over 30 times. Calum called me 10 times and texted me 15 times. Michael the same as Calum and Ashton called me 40 times and texted me 30 times. They blew up my phone. But I didn't look at any of their messages so I have about 90 messages. Well from the whole 2 weeks that I haven't answered I really have like over 200 messages from them. And like over 300 missed calls.

Geez. That's a lot and I feel like it's impossible but hey I got it.

"Hey michelle. You're uncle and I are going to work. Sure you'll be okay?" My aunt asked.

"Yeah. Actually I think it's best for me to head back home. I think I'm ready to confront Luke." I said.

Funny story.

I never told my aunt about what happened between Ashton and me. About my father and his affair.

"Okay sweetheart. Just if you need anything we'll be here." She said.

"Thanks. I'll call you guys when I get there." I said.

She nods and we hug and I hug my uncle and they leave.

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