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The All Valley Karate Tournament was just around the corner. It was mid January now. It's starting to get a bit colder here, despite it being Reseda, California, the weather can fluctuate a lot.

I haven't been seeing Johnny as much as I'd like. He's been really busy practicing for the tournament. Him and Bobby are really scared. I guess Kreese is really laying it into them.

Danny has been preparing for the tournament like a madman. I haven't seen him leave Miyagi's dojo in days. It seems as if he's really improving.

"Vic? Is that you?" Mason comes around the corner. I can't ever relax in peace. I shut my book and put it off to the side. It's literally seven in the morning.

"No, it's another girl." I reply, flipping him off.

He laughs. "How have you been?"

I was great until you got here. "I've been fine, just been reading outside a lot. The group is busy preparing for karate."

He nods. "I understand, V. Hopefully Johnny can take me tonight. It'll be rough for all of us but Miyagi-Do has trained me so well. I feel like I can take down anyone. I'm really prepared if you ask me."

I didn't ask. "Oh."

He comes closer, "Listen... I know we didn't get off on the right foot. I really liked you. I still do. I don't think I'll ever stop liking you. You have this fierceness to you that I'm addicted to. I know you don't feel the same way and that's okay. But I wasn't going to leave this stupid town without telling you. Every night, I wanted to shout it from the balcony in hopes that you'll hear."

I was shocked. I didn't even know what to say to this. What did he mean by leaving? I knew he liked me but I didn't know all of the story. I just knew half of it. "You're moving? You just got here."

He laughs to himself, "Good old, dad. He's moving us again. He's ashamed of who I am."

He has daddy issues? I take a good look at him. I should have known. "I'm so sorry Mason. Please know that it's not your fault. It's him that should be ashamed of himself." I give him some positive affirmations. He needed it desperately.

"It's nothing, Vicky. I'll get over it. It's my fault that I like both genders." He admits, muttering the last part under his breath but loud enough for me to hear it.

What did he say? Is he gay? "What do you mean, Mason? Do you not like women?" I ask. I was so confused. He's head over heels for me but also likes a guy.

"I do like women, of course! I love women. Women are the coolest. But I also feel a strange attraction towards men. I don't know, it's dumb. It's ruined a lot of shit for me. My dad keeps moving us around because he thinks that different states, or towns will make me change. But I can't. Vic, I can't change who I am. I'm me." He tears up, shrugging.

The hurt in his eyes is evident. His father must be a real piece of work. "I'm so sorry, Mason. It's hard when people don't accept you for who you are. Especially when it's your own blood. Come here." I pull him in for a hug and smooth his back over.

He cries in my arms like a baby. "Vic, I don't know what to do. I don't know how to live my life without him getting in the way."

"Shh, I know, Mason. It's the 80s, people are ignorant and never accept everything. But in the future, I promise you, you will be able to live freely. Life is going to work out, okay?" I play with his silky dirty blond hair.

"Thank you, Victoria." He smiles.

"It was nice knowing ya." He grabs a moving box and walks away.

The screaming of his father is audible in the distance.

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