Chapter 13: Ferb

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Aubrey's POV-

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Aubrey's POV-

We walked. Than we walked some more. Than we walked an hour more. Than came some more walking.

Than guess what?

We. Walked. Some. More.

It was a shit tone of walking until Lucas, or as I called him 'Ferb' from
Phineas and Ferb cartoon show because he's so skinny, decides that I was being too slow and I deserved a rest.

I wasn't tired at all. I was. But I wasn't the one breathing heavily and stumbling over every tree root we came across.

That guy was definitely not in shape.

I wasn't either but spending days lifting heavy pots of flowers and plants for my mom did have its perks. Along with helping Marabella carry fruit had me build up a little muscle.

But as we had come to a stop under a frosted and wilted tree, and Ferb had shoved me to the base of the tree you sit down.

Ferb grunted as he sat down infront of me, my back to the tree and his to the forest. He was panting slightly and sweat was on every inch of his sucky stick like body.

I wonder if I could beat him up.

"You can rest for a few minutes baby I know it's a long walk" he smiled. "But trust me I know we are heading in the right direction!" His smile was cheery but huffed out as he had been out of breath.

Ferb was delusional as ever becuase from the hours we had walked I actually knew some things about him.

One, he loved to talk about himself. Two, he was a compulsive liar which was pretty self explanatory since he was the one nearly about to pass out from walking so much. But finally three is that he had major attitude issues, like that boy could not go a single second without flirting his ego into my face.

Disgusting prick.

We sat in silence as the forest was dead calm, to calm.

From all my years of going into forests with my mom I knew none were supposed to be this still and quiet.

There were no leaves falling, no birds chirping there wasn't even any wind to brush the sand under our feet.

It was like we were lost in time which I seemed to have felt a lot in my time after death.

"Why are we heading in this direction?" I asked just for the sake to pass the time.

I didn't like casual chat with my kidnapper but honestly what was the worst the happen to me? I was already dead there wasn't much else to happen to me.

A pinch from a bruise on my back reminded me that there was such things worse than death.

He looked at me for a second as if contemplating to say it or not.

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