Part 6 - Ian Joseph and Carlos Morales: Links to save Lives: Heros.

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Say you cannot bare to listen to music because of the painful memories it brings back of the last time you say your children where you were dancing to your favorite music........ well, in the meantime, listen to Lorna Byrne, Ian Josephs and Carlos Morales on youtube. Infact, here is Ian Josephs website: Inbetween your work here on this case... you are going to be arguing the entirety of Ian Josephs website, and listening carefully and closely, because this well could save your life. 

Listen and watch absolutely also: carlos Morales - Truth Over Comfort.

You may also contact ian and carlos.

 all: social workers, police, lawyers, judges, ensure you contact an ombuddsman and ask for a phychological evaluation for your children and your own relationship to be assessed. Contact the school and have it in writting from them that your children were indeed excelent pupils and there were no concerns. Everyone you contact, though, keep the evidence. 

You are not fighting alone......... There will be others involved in your case who are taregtted with reasons for why your children cannot return back to you or go to their family members. You are arguing their cases too, especially when you know that you love them and that they are innocent people, and no such medical health claim exists which is used in evidence against you.

And most importantly of all: You keep close to your heart exactly what your children said to you which you made a promise to them to keep, and you keep your promise and vow to them eternally, and if you haven't promised yet that you will be together with them and save thier lives, this is exactly the next thing you say to them as soon as you see them.

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