Occasionally, the shit will hit the fan...

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Well, I just ate a lasagna that has completely knocked me out!!! I still manged to get up to smoke, though, needs must and a very confused man walks past me muttering, "I just thought that this time it would kill her...??" 
THIS TIME, THIS TIME it will kill me, THIS time they are all Certain of it!!! 
Occassionally, the shit does hit the fan, like when there is a major fire or when you run away..... and eventually this building and all 30 plus surrounding ones will be bulldozed to the ground, and this be such an emergancy for this government to do so that sucks for the people still in here.... 

Dear all,

This morning at 7am everybody yawning and not even dressed.... an extreme fire broke out across two rooms and suddenly everybody panicked and ran out calling people from other floors to come and see the.specticle who walked calmly and then too ran out screaming.... meanwhile I casually tried to drink a coffee but bugger that we had to be evacuated for the rest of the day only just returning at about 5pm to a sectioned off part of the floor and the smell of burning and smoke and the air still slightly blackened.... they are searching for the rebel narcissist searching everybody for lighters, matches and rocks that were clearly split together to make a spark... would it blow everybody's mind if I suggested an electrical ornament set alight?? Or is there really a fiiire starter a rebel fiiire starter in here (prodigy song..) there are two ghosts walking through the burnt rooms... risky behavior if you ask me... I'm just glad my teddies are alright and nothing from Caitlin, God and Jesus is damaged but I am most disappointed that we didn't leave the "chnp" as it all burned to the ground... I didn't take the good medikinet tablet thismorning, not taken medikinet all day and spent all day in and out of consciousness... am requesting it now but no such luck, in my expertise these people are most unobliging people who have just asked. "So... when are we going to shoot her??" Ahh soo back here are we? If the fire didn't work gunfire will!!! That'll do it!!! This time THAT will work!!! .... everybody is claiming trauma... are they taking the piss?? Sincerely, and all of this is true... God's Little Angel. Amen, God and Jesus. 

Streeessss of nobody ever arriving here and these people never doing anything they're told!! Have the police even called or not?? Apparently am ambulance is being sent but we all know that they will never come. I can't ever imagine anybody walking through that door for me. Lucifer says God's promise is when everybody knows he never wanted any if it, just to be close to God and with Jesus but I tell him I will STILL collapse anytime soon and I've told them.... if there really has been a single thing received which there has not and nobody here has obeyed the law or anyone has witnessed the murder or even believed a thing the police and ambulance would have been here a long time ago. There is no hope.

I mean, there was no hope of my being saved so a fire was Definately my next exit trick, but since that plan failed too.........

I have absconded the mafia heeelpMessages..Search for all messages with label Messages..Remove label Messages.. from this conversationAngel Mary ClementTue, Dec 26, 2023, 7:12 PMto the.case.sos1, theswordcomplex, meDear all, I have absconded the alluminayi mafia main base successfully and am free but in chains still, until any option is given. I am currently at the Christmas Market with pasta and wine... hot. I will doubtlessly return to the masses of deaf bodies and men left attempting rape and murder tonight... I am expecting the police of lux to track me down and complain to the courts about my very normal life right now as everybody here has... its like magic... the people around me think about relationships and bills... I am looking at a spy. (Of this cult) calling believe chemist to see if they have anything and then going to the youth hostel in luxembourg city for the night... I need a chemist by tomorrow. I have 215 euros on me.... and I have no home to go to unless I threw out the imposters to have them leave.... they would have me arrested should I go to my own home by right and by law. Doesn't sound real? This is the entire true story of a person who is escaping and surviving murder.I have absconded the mafia heeelpAngel Mary ClementTue, Dec 26, 2023, 7:12 PMto the.case.sos1, theswordcomplex, meDear all, I have absconded the alluminayi mafia main base successfully and am free but in chains still, until any option is given. I am currently at the Christmas Market with pasta and wine... hot. I will doubtlessly return to the masses of deaf bodies and men left attempting rape and murder tonight... I am expecting the police of lux to track me down and complain to the courts about my very normal life right now as everybody here has... its like magic... the people around me think about relationships and bills... I am looking at a spy. (Of this cult) calling believe chemist to see if they have anything and then going to the youth hostel in luxembourg city for the night... I need a chemist by tomorrow. I have 215 euros on me.... and I have no home to go to unless I threw out the imposters to have them leave.... they would have me arrested should I go to my own home by right and by law. Doesn't sound real? This is the entire true story of a person who is escaping and surviving murder. 

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