Newborn baby care - Mothers who Are Pure and Complete Love!

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You LOVE and adore and are in awe and honour of your children. You try to be the best most loving mother that you can ever be in the world... and you see babies and youg children crying in the shops and all the time children hurting, and some very, very happy and your heart goes out to these parents who have got the right idea and who have guided you themselves, and you watch them smiling and nodding, but those children and some parents shouting and hitting need guidence, and so you make the SOS Sanctuary book and ask for a parenting advice section for HOW exactly the parents by LAW in our sanctuary residencies will be brining up thier children, and this is the most unconditionally loving and accepting and beautiful advice that you can possibly give them, and i will show you it all now... Staring with newborn baby care: Only the most ultimate and complete, pure unconditional love. 

Now then, I have read so far, my Lords, as requested by Jesus Christ that I tell you my latest update haha: Joshua, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, Ezra, Nehamiah, Esther, Job, Ecclesiates, Song of Songs, Laminations, Ezikuel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amon, Obediah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habbukuk, Zephaniah, Haggie, Zachariah, malachi, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galations, Ephesians, Phi.lipians, collossians, 1 Thessonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude and Revelation.
- The rest still to complete, and I hope to read all the rest tonight or by tomorrow IF that is IF I have to sleep tonight.
As for my secret, you must love adn love and love and love and love and adore and be in awe of unconditionally, finding only ever joy and happiness and showing complete and utter care to your newborn babies, for you must NEVER, NEVER, NEVER let them cry but pick them up immeidately, in fact, NEVEr put them down, always keep a warm bottle holder by the side of your bed and put a new bottle in it everytime one is had so that you can feed your baby immeitely, let them sleep in the bed with you but not so close that you could roll over them but sleep at the side and keep them in the middle of the bed with your hand on them at all times, hold them constantly - always hugs and cuddles, if they cry at all for a reason anything other than milk which in the end they will learn Not to cry over needing milk anymore and will be quiet and happy waiting for it, but if in pain give calpol and if they are crying for another reason hold them with their head up and straight on your chest next to your heart and stroke thier heads and backs and keep kissing their heads and telling them that you love them, and the crying should calm. Give them great big smiles all the time too, and never leave them alone without you if you possibly can. That is exactly what leads to a happy baby, and no, absolutely no, anger, ever ever ever or even slight annoyance. Only love and love and love and love and love and love and love and adore and be in awe of your baby filled with joy all the time because of the perfect life that GOD created and chose you to be their parent.
And yes, babies choose us to be their parents and if you are wondering why babies are born to parents who abuse them - they have had the same parents in other lives and these parents LOVED them eternally, but in this life... something happened... something changed... something terrible... and they didn't care for thier children this time, but their children still always remember them from before in a previous life and want to be theirs - not knowing that this time... it would be difficult.
Babies are NEVER born out of rape - if a girl is raped, GOD ensures that thier Guardian Angel OR thier True Love in the father. Often it is thier true loves as some people have femlae Guardian Angels. But they are never born from rapee... if you know somebody who wants an abortion thinking they will have a rapists baby, tell them this is theirs and thier soulmates baby, and PLEASE DO ask them to keep them - babies DO actually suffer pain and NEVER stop screaming if they are aborted, please never abort babies, but there are plenty of parents out there who pysically and biologically CANNOT have thier own children and there are millions upon millions of mothers and fathers who would love to have that little baby boy or girl - i mean, do what Juno did... but preferably stay in conatct this time!! It's best for your baby to stay in contact witth you and know your mother, unless you really are that frickin messed up. (and are, like, a convicted criminal or something... then... then i can understand!)

Back. Here. Isn't my e-ail like a running commentary of my life? Well, as for my life, I have always been the MOST LOVING AND UNCONDITIONALLY CARING of mothers. I'm excellent with children, especially... My favorite thing in all existence, for I love them more than Gods Holy Angels even... BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE BABIES!!!!!!!!!

When I used to live with my mum Lindsey, we often used to babysit two children called Shane and Tiara, and Shane was ohh i don't remember now, about 7 years old? And Tiara was only a small baby, not even a year old yet... well, my mum Lindsey would look after Shane and that went very well - She is also excellent with children, but she'd rather not look after babies if she can avoid it... which saddens me greatly as I don't see how anyone cannot simply ADORE them completely, they are PERFECT TINY LITTLE BEING OF LOVE AND HAPPINESS!! Or.. is that just my gift? I was always given Tiara to look after, and she as every baby forever and always is with me when i care for them, she was as good as gold. She'd feed well, smile at me, never cried and would just sleep...

I was very lucky with my own children, for they were pure hearts of Gods spirit, like gold, they were the most well natured babies one could ever wish to meet... I remember Zac saying to my son Lucas when I was with him and holding him on my lap, and he was looking around, smiling, talking, "Is that your mummy? Is she the most beautiful person you've ever seen? Are you the worlds most perfect baby? You are every mothers dream baby, aren't you?" and i could have cried, overwhelmed with happiness and proudness from his words... my best friend and soulmate, and i'm writting this to all parents who have newborn babies for my own children Little Luke and Caitlin-Rose who were perfect... I know that my son Truth used to cry and cry and cry all the time... he was kidnapped from me at birth... Archangel Sandlephon tells me that the SOS agents WILL FIND HIM... 24 hours or less before i'm Saved!! Aryia says "For, they have MILLIONS of photos." Hrm...

When I had Caity-Rosey, even the very first night in the hospital room together with multiples of other mothers with babies who had just been born, they all cried and cried and woke them up screaming for milk and screaming for hugs and kisses, and screaming because they were in cots and not with thier beloved mothers... when they been inside thier bodies for the last 9 months... (CRIES) and then, for the first time of many, many, many times after that the first mother asked me:

"She NEVER cries.. she hasn't cried once! She's completely calm and peaceful and the happiest baby i've ever seen! What is your secret???!"

The amount of times in my life that i've been with my chilfren and somebody has asked me, "What is your secret to parenting?! Your children are good at gold! Mine are just naughty and screaming all the time!!!"

Well, I'll let you in on my secret... exactly what to do with newborn babies and young children especially, untill the age of 5, not 4!!! (when the studies say ""untill 4 years old" this has been misunderstood - it is including 4 years old!! I insust this is true!!!) And my advice is too that one continues to be this affectionate and close and unconditionally ultimately loving towards your children andnewborn ababies For The Rest Of Their Lives.

I'll let you know soon... I will type it up tomorrow and work on it tonight.
This be the very first chapter of my book, and this I promise you, is the way forward for all parenting and mothers especially... Soon. I promise-

Angel Mary Clement.

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