Untitled Part 50

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I know that my birth mother was Lorna Byrne. As we speak, I am trying my best to contact her to tell her that I know she is my mummy... but I don't know her greatest secret. Was i taken from her during her pregnancy, or was I born to her (in secret) and kidnapped at birth? I am only waiting for her to tell me, as long as she recognises that I'm her daughter. I am hoping, praying, pleading with and asking her to adopt me! haha.
Well, I don't know which one it was for GOD closed my eyes just after I was gone from her... I do remember that IF she thought I was lost to a misscarriage, God and Jese need her to know that this wasn't so, for I truly was born, but GOD didn't let her see me... GOD made me invisible, and this be one of GODS greatest mysteries as to why HE WHO IS did so, but I know My Lord will tell me.
...I remember being held in my Guardian Angels arms when I was born to her, perhaps very early on in the pregnancy, (did she know she was pregnant?) and I remember that I could hear birds singing, and GOD told me that they were blackbirds. I don't know if it was day or night, but I looked up into my mummy Lorna's eyes and thought the one thing ALL babies know in thier minds how to say and think, with two other words, "GOD", "Jesus", and I thought to her, "I LOVE YOU!!!" and I could see my Guardian Angel smiling down at me and I thought to him, "I LOVE YOU!!!" and I saw a man standing near, and I don't remember if this could have been my daddy Joe or not... everywhere was flooded with God's Holy Angels, and then GOD covered my eyes... Was this when she believed I was lost to a miscarriage? Or was this in hospital, and she DID see me? But was I taken away swiftly.. either way, GOD opened my eyes after some time when I was in Heaven with HIM... I only remember being in a great holy white space full of light and the gates of Heaven were right next to where we were walking, and GOD and Jesus kept holding me in each others arms, and they were talking to me, and my Guardian Angel appeared, wrapping his wings around me, They All HOLY kissed me, and I remember a tunnel of white light and full of collours, colours that we didn't even know existed, and then... I opened my eyes... To this day, untill my mummy Lorna replies to me... I don't know what happned in that time or where I was, either I had to grow a bit and get a bit cuter in Heaven before going back to Earth FROM HEAVEN (and i'm not kidding, if she tells me this is the case, I was sent here from GOD.) and if.... then It was while I was being kidnapped, and left somewhere. 

... I woke up in a patch of flowers. I had a teddy with me and a dummy. To this day, whenever I doodle a picture, as I have drawn all my life, I daw that patch of flowers with blue bells on one side and flowers in bloom on the other - yellow flowers, they were, and I draw the sun shining and birds flying in the clear blue sky.
That's when Michael was there!!! He was the one who found me! This is the TRUTH!!!!!!! This is honestly as clear a memory to me, so clear that it is clearer than yesterday, but could haev happened a minute ago. This is really what I remember EXACTLY. Please keep an open mind and Trust in me, believe every word.
I'll continue... Michael must have told me his name, but I was too young to remember it. He held my in his arms... I wasn't crying... I was just looking at him in awe and unconditionally loving him and in wonder from him, for he was the most beautiful child that I had EVER seen or witnessed, and would remain the most beautiful person i would ever know throught an eternity and beyond... He comforted me, talking to me softly and gently, (he was about 7 years old than me, i think.) and he put his hand holding mine onto my heart and told me that he loved me and that I was safe, and his... and that he'd look after me, care for me... and from that moment on, Michael has ALWAYS had my heart, for, he stole it from me... he stole my heart.

Michael took me straight to his parents who were immediately frantically trying to find my mum and dad, but there was nobody around anywhere and nobody knew me or knew where I came from... they considered handing me into an orphanage or into the care homes for babies and children, but decided against the social care system, and Michael was begging them to keep me.... All I know is that they gave me the name Mary Rose Clement.
There was a fire... michael keeps telling me.. "Remember, Angel..." but I don't. I only remember two big doors and smoke pouring out. I remember being carried in Michaels arms, and then I remember at 24 hours old or less, being taken... by a man I called "Tony". I don't know why I called him "Tony." Micheal was taken too. I remeber the boot of a car, I remember being taken to a mantion at the back of a large field of grass just up the road from a village with a church in Ireland, and i remember ebing carried by "Tony" to the attick of the house, very thin shabby pale wooded stairs, and a heavy door, and in front of me I saw a (THIS IS THE TRUTH!!!!!! ONLY let the ONE person listening read this, or are there two?) dead girl and a sketiton of a body tied up on the far side of the room... He put me down, and he fed me poisonous milk, but I lived, and he put a pillow to my head, and I lived, and he tried strangling me, and i lived, and he put terantulas all over me, and in front of me he kept me awake while brutal and violent murder videos played on a screen... But at the same time as this was happening, and Michael was experencing exactly the same and LIVED, we were both back in the White Holy Light space near the gates of Heaven, walking with GOD and JESUS.... and I had my eyes closed the entire time, and Micheal had his eyes closed the entire time, adn this was where we were when it was happening to us... with GOD... and then GOD opened our eyes. For, in Truth, infront of me I saw "Tony" at a distance grabbing a large knife and a chainsaw, a gun on the side (used. we both LIVED.- GOD ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY.) and I saw GOD ALLAH stand in "Tony's" way, Jesus on "Tony's" right side, Elija on "Tony's" left side, and he was surrounded by ALL of GODS Holy Anrchangels, and they turned from Angels into the forms of men (Vivid Angels) including my Guardian Angel MICHAEL, "Tony" stood still and stopped and was paralyzed and he was shouting, swearing and screaming something unaudiable... Micheal took me and Michael in his arms, and the other Holy Angels, also Angelic men, escaped with us... GOD closed our eyes again, and I remember feeling a sensation like wings in flight... travelling, and Michael had fallen asleep beside me.... We were placed by Michael and God's Holy Angels on The Isle of White, and found by some kind people... who tried their best... Who are now in The Kingdom of GOD... I was given to the Maternity hospital in Bristol, and Michael was sent to Canada and adopted. We were seperated... but we were always together... and we would only meet again and again and again, until one day, we would ask each other to marry each other.
I'll let Michael confirm that all of this IS THE TRUTH.
For, we were targetted by who i now know are the Illuminati Mafia since my birth. They realised then that I could NOT be murdered, and nor could Michael, and we were not the only ones... Zac Stibbs too could NOT be murdered, my mummy Lorna and her children CANNOT be murdered... for we are.. Vivid Angels. Angels who experice a life as a human being, as explained in my e-mails.
The murderers tracked me down, and later Michael down too... they targetted us our entire lives. Now, I am still awaiting being saved.
If you are unbelieving, please do not read further, for i do not wish to be riduclued for my faith, or paint the TRUTH with sin. Thank you. Going to smoke. Amen.

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