Admitting your own Guilt to the courts and judges...

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Dear Judges,

I just thought you better know... for certain... I am innocent.. BUT A RIGHT REBEL!!!

This was ME and what I am the most guilt of in my life...

Let me begin.

Well, i bought and drank brandy straight (from the bottle mixed with coke... CACOLA, not cocaine! gosh, what did you think of me??) when i was....... 12 years old in school and often got drunk (tipsy, now, but to a child, drunk...yes.) in class and had laughing fits and kept stealing my friends folders and pens, and this karma has come back to me in the "chnp". Touch.
I once bought a six pack......... OF BEER for an underage boy, but, however, hsi birthday turning of age was the very next day, so i thought myself .. Just. Ified.
Once i spent the night with drug dealers.. a gang of them... and almost went back to a drug den.... but i didn't take anything at all.. i promise.. i was just chilling... i couldn't sleep, so, you know, the usual for a teenager... without sinning, though, which was good. I didn't have the money for it, well, i did, but i tried to buy cocaine for 100 euros and the thief pretended to go to piss around the corner and ran away with my money and the cocaine... and that's true... I did smoke weed before it was legal to do so.... and i drank gin at the same time and proptly passed out for 8 hours and had to be wheeled back and carried from the bathroom, like, on the back of a bycicle.... this was in Amsterdam with Zac Stibbs and this too is true... aweful, aweful things YET... FUNNY.
Once... I took the mafia to court, and won... and once i yelled out to the sos that they were bullshitting me about being here and i was sick of ebing decieved, and added are you in the arctic, adopt me a baby seal and i'll forgive you!!
... Sometimes i go a bit mad and shout but i'm... very sensitive and emotional right now... (pregnant, you understand...) Umm I had a baby when I was 17 years old. But that's fine, just that a lot of people frouned upon this and i consider them the bastards. tbh.
Ummm...... and nothing else on your sins list is me, oh and btw, i stole drink from my grandaprents, mum and dad and blamed it on my cousins, well, i didn't do that, its just that it was ASSUMED to be them and i didn't disagree - which is the bigger sin?
GUILTY as you judge.

Thank you for listening. ps. When i wrote my world peace prayer the mafia said, "she wants world peace... lets shoot her!!" and I'm like: NOW whos the giulty one, really?? And then.. hahah at the mealtime i asked god if he might change my meal to speed... and God said, "i am the one who created your sense of hunour." TOUCH, God, you win that one.

Angel. Mary. Clement.

ps. Nobody attempt any of this at home. 

The judges ask for even more on your Guilty case such as "have you ever killed a man?" and you take a deep sigh and say yes... and then explain: 3: Pedophiles and a child molester sex trafficker as one of the three.... and then on my next e-mail you will see exactly what I did to the SOS agents and others... to prove my point. (NOOOO I didn't kill them!!! .... I showed them an ability of mine, and this be documented and taken in evidence in court.) I accept and stand proud. wait for it...

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