The True Horror Story: "That day" is all i will ever call it.

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At 1pm in the afternoon, I first had an appointment with the (Cult members who had killed the Real annette and joanne...! Truth!) who had illegally kidnapped my children... before seeing my children at 2pm.

"Annette" and "Joanne" told me everything I have already told you... For the most part I simply LISTENED, taking Everything in, only saying "mhm, yes, no, alright,, and okay" for the majority of the time and "i'm listening...." as they admitted to completely criminal and illegal activity and everything they were doing and had done and planned on doing to us... I spoke out only at the end, telling them all I told you I said, and my exact words to "annette wagner" in my very last e-mail to her after she had stopped me from seeing my children at all, which lasted for about 2 years straight, (and then she stopped "working" as a "social worker" because apparently she was suffering from ebing ill and having headaches... which was... ironic, wasn't it?) was "you are messing with the wrong mother." And I meant it.. this e-mail has been lost, as have my ones to Martinez Clement telling him about THAT DAY....

There were two more things I remember them telling me. I was in complete and utter shock from this, i was heartbroken to and i would have cried but the shock stopped me in my tracks. They told me, "Caitlin argued with Susanna from the very moment she arrived and wouldn't stop shouting at her to send them back to their mummy and back home, and Susanne eventually had to call us to try to stop her, so we came and locked Caitlin in a room alone for the next four hours untill she stopped talking. And Lucas never stopps crying for his mummy, him and Caitlin cry and scream for you every time your name is mentioned, so we are going to be making your contact as little as possible so that Susanne can work on building a relationship with Lucas! especially and be his new mother... Lucas never stopps crying for you at night, for hours on end he calls you, expecting you to come and pick him up, and "susanne" and "christoph" have been leaving him crying so that he realises you are never coming back or coming to pick him up again, and then after hours they have to put him into their bed with them."

... That was that meeting. (Thinking back to them saying that, Always Always Always, for years, made me cry and cry and cry. Always crying... I always had Lucas's voice rining in my ears too... "no go mummy!!!! mummy come back!! come back mummy!!! mummy no go!!!" this made me howl and cry and scream for hours on end, for when caitlin and lucas were taken, i never stopped crying. 

And then I saw my children.............

The next thing to happen was to see my children... I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen and what I would see, in them, and it would change me for the rest of my life.. and this is the Truth!

They bought Caitlin and Lucas in, "joanne" carrying Little Luke and holding Caitlin's hand, and the very less than a milli-second, slit that second and less than that, I could tell from simply looking into my childrens eyes that Something was VERY, VERY, VERY; VERY; VERY wrong... Caitlin walked over to me, barely able to walk, and hugged me, collapsing into me, while Lucas stood.... Staring... emotionless.. like stone... unmoving, and the look in his eyes was like that of empty black holes with no emotion and no reaction and no feeling any longer, not a thought in his mind, for this was trauma beyond any trauma anyone (but myself now) has ever known... and "annette" and "joanne" told me to focus on my children, play with them, talk to them, (as if i didn't know what i was doing, i a good mother!) and they walked to the other side of the room and chatted amonst themselves, LAUGHING out load and "annette" told me, "we speak in a language Caitlin and lucas don understand." I looked at my daughter Caitlin, knowing she has a great, great, extrmeme tallent for languages and she gave me a look and said, "don't tell them, mummy," a look tat said "I know exactly what theye saying." I nodded at her - they didn't see, and went to hug an dkiss my son, but he didn respond... I picked him up and took him to the play mat, a soft beeny bag mat in the corner of the room and lay him down, and he lay there... looking forward.. and i turned to the "social workers" and said "What have you done to my son?!?!?!"
"Annette" and "Joanne" ignored me and us completely, LAUGHED hysterically and continued talking as if i'd said nothing at all... I turned to Caitlin... she had occupied herself with playing with toy cars on a large building car track and was humming non-sensicle tunes, humming something that frightened me... she had her hair cut really short and so not knowing what to make of this, for she rarely looked up or spoke, when Caitlin was known for being able to TALK FOR ENGLAND and the hind leg off a dockey, always happy and singing when with us, i commented, making conversation, "Caitlin... you've had your hair cut..." I've told you what she said to me.. this set alarm bells off in my head and i looked directly at the crriminals (and i knew they were criminals by now. I DIDN'T know they weren't the real annette and joanne untilll later...) and asked them straightforwardly, "did you think what she just said was normal?" Caitlin looked proud of me for a second, then looked down and stared at the car... neither of my children could bare to look at "annette" or "joanne"... I tried talking to and playing with Caitlin and Lucas for some time, but it stayed exactly the same, and i found myslef looking from one of my children to the other with the most worried look any mother has ever had on her face inthe history of time... and i asked the social workers again what they had done to my son... they laughed, and waved me off, and kept talking, as if none of us existed... and so I turned to Caitlin more worried, and concerned isn't even the right word for nothing i can say can explain the terror i felt that second... "Caitlin. What have the done to my son?"
I had my hand on Lucas... and Caitlin motioned me to her and led me by the hand to the other side of the room and i beant down to her level and she whispered a mans name in my ear "roberto.." or "f...something..." the name fails me now but for a long time i remembered it, and with that "annette" and "joanne" Suddenly turned to us and yelled at us, "You KNOW you are forbidden whispering!! EVERYTHING you tell your mummy, we must hear - these are the rules!! Tell us what you just said or say goodbye to your mother!!"
"No. I'm telling her. I'm not telling you two." Caitlin said simply and shortly, turned to me and said, "Only you can know."
Anne screamed for me to LEAVE and yelled at my children to SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR MUMMY!!! At that moment, Lucas reacted, leaping up and running into my arms, crying my name over and over and over again, and Caitlin grabbed me too and hugged me and both my children were hugging me tighter than anyone had ever hugged me in my life or ever would again, and at that moment... something magical...something miraculous.. something of a psychic experience happened... for I was inside my daughters body and she was in mine, we swapped places, and i could feel her entire body and being, and i felt a pain, so much pain, so so so so so so so so so so so so so much pain, such an extreme amount of pain i couldn't bare the thought of it being both my childrens pain toegther or only hers alone... and i knew that she could feel my IMMENSE UNCONDIOTIONAL love for her and Lucas and that i would do anything for them, and how much i love them both... and the seconds passed like minutes or an hour, time slowed down completely, and then "annette" was shouting again and grabbed Caitlin, and Caitlin pulled back and i grabbed my son Little Luke Lucas and held him in my arms and comforted him and he was crying for me so much, and that's when Caitlin stood directly infront of both "social workers" looked into their eyes, pointed at them and said what she did, "What you are doing is WRONG!! You ahve to STOP what you are doing!!...." I was shocked an dimpressed, she ran to me tugging me arm and said, "tell them, mummy, tell everyone everything, tell them for me and lucas, and she made me promise to fight for them, save them, get tham back with me, she told me that i was the only one who would and that nobody would lsiten to them because they were only little, and i told, her, holding her hand with tears in my eyes which couldn't escape because of my greatest shock (although I was deeply impressed by Caitlin that day... never before have i seen such a look of terro on a "social workers" face and never will i see it again... i was so proud of her for ebing so brave and for speaking out the truth.)!!! I Promised her, "I PROMISE."
she said, "tell them that we have to go back with you."
I tried to tell her that I have no choice... (i'd be arrested and imprisoned, but i didn say this as not to scare her, still protecting my children), i tried to tell her i hadn got any choice at all... and that i will get them back within a few days to a week, and i told her i save her and fight for her, for i PROMISED them both.
"Annette" heard exactly what Caitlin said, and in a fit of rage, garbbed my daughter and tried forcing her away from holding onto my arm and legs and refusing to let go, and Caitlin bit her arm and she shouted out, and Lucas was cring in my ear, "Mummy no go!!! Mummy no go!! come stay!! mummy lucas!! mummy lucas house!!! mumm lucas nanna!! mummy lucas cows now!! mummy come back!! come back mummy!!" he kept screaming "mummy come back!!! mummy no go!! come back mummy!! mummy!! mummy no go!!! mummy! mummy come back!! mummy!!!" and I could hear Caitlin yelling at them, "NO!!! STOP!!!" as i was forced away and they slammed the door on me, telling me that htey would call the police and security guard if i didn't leave them and let those people take them back with them.... , ... , ... , ... , and i got into the car and Bomi asked me how it went and i said... "Lucas was gone."
"what do you mea gone?"
"That's all i can explain it as.... gone... he was... gone..."
and she didn't ask any more and i was silent the entire way back, staring out the window with the same blank, emotionless and thoughtless stare that my son had... and when i got back i cried and creied and cried and i call Martinez and sent him an e-mail, and I was in a panic then, and then i creid and cried and cried.... and then I got back to work.

That was....... what i call...... "THAT DAY." My family say that That Day changed me forever... they all said i've never been the same since... they all commented on it one by one by one how different i was... I locked myself into my appartment working, i only went out to smoke and after 9 months, to go shopping, i didn eat or drink, i rarely slept, i wasn showing or even brushing my hair or changing my clothes, only ever obseesed with a focusing on one single thing... saving my childrens lives. I did have a lot of everything saved into one e-amil when my laptop crashed and never even saved it as a draft... and i lost all the work the very two days before "the final hearing2 which i wil also tell you about. (give i have enough time.) I had that worst day following the other equally worst day - the day my children were taken... and after that i had the worst two weeks of my life.... and there was carlos edwardo jung... carlos happened about a year after my children were illegally kidnapped. btw. And for this is the Truth.

Caitlin's guardian angel Gabriel tells me that the name of the man that Caitlin whispered in my ear was the name of the man who killed susanne and christoph murrer/probst... on the 7th november 2016 at 10pm at night... Christoph speaks to me again from the kingdom of God.. he asks me, "Ask the SOS. When is my son Aaron going to be saved?"

I reply to him, "as soon as i am. this could be a matter of ddays." i confirm, "am i correct in thinking all three children witnessed .... and GOD erased it from thier memory Immediately?"

Christoph tells me, "For god knows that you speak truth."

Angel. GOD and Jesus.. Amen.

ps. it is absolutely clear to us all that to this day, none of the children have any memory of what happened... especially not luas or aaron, Caitlin is still hurting from the trauma and pain of being taken, and lucas still takes my photo to bed with him every night and holds it while he falls asleep and doesn't let go all night long, susanne tell sme...

After 6 moths... Caitlin told me.. "Lucas has finally stopped crying for youe evry night... last night he was just sitting, silent... he's not gnoe one single night so far without cring for you to come to get him..." and after 9 months "annette" told my mum lindsey who told me, "Caitlin has Finally stopped crying herself to sleep every night.. she has cried herself to sleep every night for the past 9 months.. but last night... she just lay, silent."

Shock and Horror!!! AND TEARS CRYING TEARS CRYING, howling worse than a cry, with Lucas's voice ringing in my ears still... and i never listenedto music... i was always in complete an dutter silence, jusmping at the slightest sound... but the last son gi ever heard before they were taken i'd heard with them and it was "relax, take it easy by mika" and the first song i ever heard after they'd been kidnapped, a year later was mikas relax, take it easy... and i had to go outside and cry... and these are the lyrics i sang...

"took a ride on a broken train
where no one ever goes
end it all at the end of the line
with nobody i know
but the pain
and the love that i felt
like i'm dying
and it all
and the end of line..
take it eeaaasy
for there is something that we can do...
take it eeaasy
blame in on me
I can do...
take it eaaasy
for there is everything we can do.."

Then I stared listening to music again.The next thing to happen was to see my children... I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen and what I would see, in them, and it would change me for the rest of my life.. and this is the Truth!

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