Have I Anything else to admit? All can and will be used in evidence!

1 0 0

I LAUGH, smile, wink and nod. 

Well, sometimes I get locked in the isolation cell in here, right right, right, for threatening very loudly that I'll castrate my Guardian Angels balls off...!!! My Guardian Angel gulps because he knows I mean it. Infact, there is a large part of my e-mails I have not saved in PDF knowing that the courts would recive each one and they are the exposure of the Truth about babylon the city of whores called Jezabel. These e-mails include constant swearing and perfuse threats to devorce my husband should he fail Armageddon. Ermmm I'll reveal one of two to you: Ps. In the section: a. Sweet in your mouth/sour in the stomach or READ ALL - SAVE US! 

First, let me make my point of argument to my Judges:

dear entire sos,

i have what seemed like glue in my hair... turns out there is a pool of blood coming out from my skull sticking all my hear and scalp together... I guess i must have been hit in the night... it doesn't hurt, but the mass of blood is a bother to me...... is THAT concerning the judges?? It should be!!

but no, i am told that my Truthful knowledge of baylon the great is concerning the judges!! Judges, of all things, don't ever let 666 be of any concern to you - it is not worth your time or energy. i truly am an angel, for i truly AM standing at the side of the battle field in Heaevn with GOD standing infront of me, and HE has stopped the battle until Jesus returns...................................For GOD knows that I speak Truth.

First I will quickly tell you about this and then I will work on God's Ten Commandments tonight.

I am going to make a seperate e-mail account for everything to do with babylon the great. I will seperate it from the case. This will be the second account for Theodore and zac too.

It is within the case as there is the constant question of:these people pychology: exactly what is causing these people here to murder... is it thier fault and their own free will? Or is it the devil forcing them to do so? is this caused by a far worse evil, and is THAT to blame and not them as people who were once innoocent and happy joyful loving little babies who hadn't ever harmed? What went wrong...

All I know is that they all started selling theri souls to the devil... and then what happened? Hrm... (These people worship demonic entities, for this IS THE TRUTH. For GOD KNOWS) This is also on the account, despite my question as to their own murderous actions psychology going unanswered...

...for Theodore and zac who can hear and see the numbers just as well as I can. They share the same gift as I do from GOD, for they are both Angels. We can all three of us communicate with the Spirit world and see them all clearly, as can lorna byrne who has written about the devil coming to her home and to her room and she spoke to satan telling him that "I choose GOD over you."

Lorna also saw a Poltergeist and ran for her life from it with her dad who also witnesses this demon......... she has come accross ghosts and trapped souls.... more, more, more.

I give you the same advice as I give to Theodore and Zac........ Ignore it completely. Do not dismiss my explanations of the words babylon uses to win people over...... using ssong lyrics, mainly....... this is true and if you don't know this, you will not pass armageddon when jesus returns.

For now, judges I need you all to ACCEPT that Jacky newcolmb, Lorna Byrne, Theodore, Zac, myself, and all of God's people of the Holy Bible including Jesus's deciples and Jesus Christ himself can and do have the gift of knowledge of the Spirit realm.

This is the truth. babylon the great appears in The Book of Revelation, and the devil throughout the entire of ALL Holy Books, both belong to ALL religions and beliefs on this planet earth - everybody knows exactly what they are... and that they are evil... and that they are in a battle of Heaven against Archangel Michael and GODs Army of Angels, and what the enire world knows since the beginning of time is that they will NOT win, but will be destroyed.

Is it so difficult to believe that there is a person or two who can hear them?

Untill jesus returns, put these e-mails behind you, but come back to them and share them with everyone when jesus returns, for then you will know this to be the exact truth of GOD.

Sandlephon is here explaining evil to me..... as he explains, I go (their psychology) to take my medicine and smokes. speak soon. No more concern, please. xxx

An Angel. 

A mothers Faith.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora