Further Subjects on the sanctuaries...

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Following on from yesterday, this I write in a Prayer to my Lords GOD and Jesus who I follow and worship, forn this is GODS will.

The authorities have told me that they are in complete agreement with the new job the SOS Help workers, (who I may decide to call SOS Help agents..) and asked me, "Under exceptional circumstances, can they take a child?"
I answered, "Yes, if they are running out of a burning house!! ... In short, NO, There would be others who have this job Title, but these sos help are Never there to take children. They may report to the given Titles that they have sufficiant Proof to Save A Child's Life, and then those Titles can then act under exceptional circumstances, but the children nor parents will ever have any need to fear these workers ever taking away their children!!
And no false claim, mistake, misdiagnosis, memory of a memory, gossip or rumour or personality clash or prejudice racist hate issue will be considered sufficiant evidence to take their children!! - They will actually need proof. And the CHILDREN IS ALWAYS HEARD, ALSO SPEAKING TO THE JUDGE, LAWYER, ANYBODY THEY TRUST, OR THEIR OWN SOS HELP WORKER WHO CAN BE THEIR OWN WITNESS ALONE BEFORE ANY SUCH DECISION IS MADE. I must add that IF the child has ANY fear of speaking because of somebody they are in contact with... The children are the ones to tell the judge, do not tell or speak to them about what i said, or even being made aware of a frickin' what's it called... an order to keep those individuals away from them at all costs, the people can be told to leave the childs home, and the child will IF really scared have ways of contacting people whoch cannot be heard, read or seen by those individuals, such as private and secret texts and phone numbers, e-mail addresses that wont show other than to them and to the authorities, and my suggestion is that this link is put up on the website for children to write in thier problems, then the lawyers and judges are to keep in great Trust all that the children wish to tell them in Trust. They keep the childrens secrets as the children wishes, and they take into account all the children wants to be done in order to ideal with this, may this be a court order to keep persons away, leaving the home, or paying back money or buying new stolen items... and lesser decisions made.
SOS: "Children In Need."
Myself: "Absolutely! Contact Children In Need!"
Now, I insist that all childrens rights, parental rights and family rights legislation is kept SEPERATE from the punnishement, penalty and crime legislation as this has led to severe misuse and criminal acts, illegal acts, and serious injustice done to innocent people when put into the wrong hands.......... !!!!
Another idea. Missing people - sex trafficked, kidnapped, abducted, lost, searching for thier real parents, are given this number to contact and can consider themselves FOUND.
And return back to thier families and countries of origin.
I've also told the entire SOS in the smoking room - To anyone who is listening (or are there two?) that the judges are not to ask any leading questions or be conspicious... They must speak to the children in a way that the children understand and instead of asking, "Have you ever been hit? Are you ever left alone? Are you upset about this?" They are to ask and word questions in this way, "Tell me everything that makes you happy.", "Would you love to spend more time with your mummy?" and "Is there anything that you would change if you could, and you can." Asking only questions with Positive intent and application. Never the negative!
I'm even giving children the right to decide who lives in their home with them and IF there are two loving and innocent good perents for them in the Sanctuary but seperated and living seperately, the children are the ones who decide when they see their parents and how much they see them each week, and which one to live with or living with both equally sharing the time cared for. These things will be the law in at least one place in the world and this will be the childrens rights and no longer decided by an ignorant court order by a very misled judge!!! We are about to abolish that from happening again... and i'm explaining how. This is the best way forward and of that I am of the firm belief, for this is in the best interest of all children!!
Now for a Smokes break.
The mother of Caitlin-Rose hahahaha. Amen.


...Some more. All children will have their own lawyers - the parents AND children will choose their own Judges, lawyers, and family doctors!! I am even including that IF the child wishes to have a seperate judge to thier parents, which I don't THINK will happen much as we ARE bringing very good parents who love their children into the Sanctuary... there may be two different judges working on the same case. I also insist that the court cases are Completely renewed and investigated and heard again from the court orders and decisions made in the country with Juristiction with NO previous information from the case influencing the court case or judges this time around. (Esecially for families who inform the judge of illegal and criminal acts being taken and them never being heard in thier own defense!)
Now, as is the lawy already but BARELY ANYBODY EVER FOLLOWS THIS LAW - The children and anyone in thier family are entitled to thier own evaluation! And No proffessionals are looking to search for Mental Illnesses such a Bipolr, Borderlne, Scizophrenia or Personality disorders in children! These are CHILDREN: they are highly imaginative, open minded, spontanious, emotional, thoughtful, and sometimes rebellious!!! IF anything is searched for it is only things such as noticing childhood trauma such as PTSD symptoms on children and that it about all, as THIS IS A CONDITION and NOT a mentall illness - Indeed, CONDITIONS can be noticed by the proffessionals, and things such as neurological disorders, learning difficulties such as ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, etc, Autism or Seperation anxiety from their mothers - All to be treated accordingly.
umm... The children DO Actually have a REAL CHILD benefit - as an agreed amount given each month, agreed and signed ny children, parents and lawyers which they can access. They can also have a card to use instead of carrying around cash with them which is simply safety.
Next, let's see.. All children will be provided with a mobile phone in case of emergancies as soon as they develop the capability to press a button for Speed Dial! (Before the age of this capability, I don't believe that children should be seperated from their mothers anyway!!) Once they are seperated from their mothers for some time, children often go outside to play by themselves or with friends... sometimes supervised by an adult, sometimes not, and in which case they need to be able to call in any emergancy, given the adult might need them to call for help too!!
There will be no Spiritual abuse or predudice in the Sanctuaries. They welcome everybody of every religion, background, race, colour, nationality, higher class, working class, rich. poor, level of education, homeless, or world leader, etc, and men and woman will be given exactly the same equal rights as each other.
There will be donated food and drink like "food banks" in shops, and as is already created, there will ve charity shops and websites with items selling cheaply or offering for free, and an "needed items" page too. There will be no waste from reteraunts at the end of the day or week, they will give any unwanted and unused, unneeded food and drink out to people to collect at the end of the day or for an evening each week. ..Things like that. If there is a lottery, it will Actually be Possible to win it! Aha!
Porn (the worlds most severe EVIL!) will be Completely Illegal in the Sanctuaries and punishable by a fine and being thrown out of the Sanctuary, and will be taken even more seriously if you have CHILDREN around you and on your laptops!!! For, in truth, everybody before entering the Sanctuary will be given a document Exposing the COMPLETE TRUTH about the EVIL of this ILLEGAL and CRIMINAL cult activity and will sign their agreement not to look. Ever. This be the law if they have children too.
In this same document sent out to those travelling to the Sanctuary, there will be a list of all the laws and rules of the Sanctuary, and they will be given a document of thier legal rights.
...There will be shops and cafes that sell and permit cannabis and other acceptable substances that are known to be used in a medical way such as those sold in camden market and perhaps salvia too... and there will be places set aside in cafes and bars and resteraunts inside for smokers once again. Amphetamine and Methadone will be legal in here!

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