Leaving no leaf unturned: Revelation and NASA.

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Indeed, when the secret agents have the evidence that you have been serverely and lethally drugged and poisoned, and even been given reactive acid and the water isn't clear but bright yellow... and you live... Evantually NASA are called, and they will be saying to you: 

"She survived!! This is a phenominon!! That was absolutely LETHAL!"
"Well that's COMFORTING!! I was just ENJOYING MY NOODLES!!"

IF this comes into your account, do not worry or fret, but explain it. It will also do you well to explain your suspect search history which involves the dark web, names of seriel killers and the psychology of murder... This is it... Like a pro.


The fact is that GOD created us - his children - who were on the planet at the same times as those ape-like creatures who were evolving, but we were and are not the same, for they did not survive but we carried on as we always have been since the creation of Adam and Eve, and there is no missing link. These ape-like creatures did exist... but are not to be mistakes as us, for they never got as far as to evolving into a person as God created his children.

Explaining the big bang is very simple - GOD caused the big bang, it was the creation of this universe... I watch big bangs of universes of the countless multitudes causing new existances in space all the time... GOD is there.

in fact, aliens have guardian Angels too... now, more about aliens... they live eternally which is how and why they are so far evolved in their technology and have figured out space and time travel. They are NOT good beings... they ARE very dangerous, but they ARE slowly repenting and turning to GOD.

Zac - Michael Theodore - take that crap yourselves. You both sleep for 24 hours -click.Done. Taken Ritalin from my Guardian Angel. make it work, please. They are in a deep, deep sleep.

I've asked Michael what will happen to aliens... he says when jesus returns they will be made men and will either go to The Kingdom of GOD OR stay for armageddon, or go to Hell.
I've also asked what they want to do to us when they take us in abductions... Michael says experimentation... making us into one of them, teaching us their langauge and putting us on other planets... this is why GOD takes us back to our beds and rooms or from where we were taken every time.

For GOD is speaking to the aliens right now............

More on lucifer... he is an Angel, and when he was first sent to earth as a Vivid Angel, he started off in the time of just before Armageddon.. and he invented time travel. This is the Truth. This is why when I saw Lucifer I thought he he was a time traveller.. he is. he travelled back through time... for Lucifer... was MOSES. This is the Truth. Lucifer was born in over 1,159 lives throughout history. Lucifer was also...... JOB. Michael was.... KING DAVID. Mary was.... QUEEN ESTHER. Archangel Jeremiel was... (let me just ask GOD.) PETER and LOTT. He was jeremiel who was in sodom and gemorrah. Haniel was... NEPHI from the book of Mormon and -- For GOD Allah The Almighty stands up and applauds!!!! Clapping His hands smiling down at me and trumpets sound, and i tell you that jesus's 12 deciples were 12 stars, and when Jesus took on a new deciple who was called Matthew after Judus, this was Lucifer. Jesus has 13 deciples. Judus must have been, like, an unemployed REASON Angel looking to train as an Archangel haha. ISAAC... (Abrahams son) is... ELIJA. Abraham was ADANACHIEL. Adam and Eve, asking GOD, were... The first Vivid Angels. They were the Angels who are the first mother and father of all on earth.
Where was I, Lucifer has performed miricles in all his lifetimes... and invented time travel and invisablity in some haha. This is TRUE!!!!

&, God informs me, for God nods? For GOD Nods. SONG OF SONGS was written about the mother of mary and her love - Joe, who was in this lifetime too... that be that, these are the only two lifetimes they had where they found one another.. but they both fell in love with each other then and he stole her heart, and Joe decided to stay in Heaven watching over her untill the lifetime of .. Jesus's return... then she was in love with him again and chose him to marry. This is Lorna and Joe - honestly, they are in The Holy Bible.

Naomi, Ruth and her family were the same family known as the Stephenas... (old and new testiment) who were the first family of believers in jesus Christ after mary, joseph and elisabeth and john. (I'll double check with GOD.)

John The baptist was raised to life again by Jesus Christ - for he is exactly the same John as who was killed as to them witness the Revelation.

God is speaking to me... trying to find out about Jonah. Hrm, well, that'll do for now. my medicine isn't working. Got to get internet ticket to send, for GOD is standing and clapping.


As soon as I write this it is final. I have no more Guardian Angel - only with GOD and jesus. I'm firing him for disobeying God's command. I am not hiring a new Guardian Angel - I am staying with my Lords and Saviors. My own medicine works when I take it myself. No contact with anone who has failed God and they all feel asleep now. This is my justice. i have my baby relying on me and me alone. I will always pass Gods command and I will continue to do Gods will and work. My daughter chose ME. Thedore will Never know us. Amen. Angel.


ps. more from Revelation... GOD reveals to me that the four living creatures are not cherubim... or Angels... they are exactly what they say: Four living creatures haha. However, what they appear like is symbolism. For,

full of eyes in
front and in back. 4:7 The29 first living creature
was like a lion, the30
second creature like an ox,
the third creature had a face like a man's, and the
fourth creature looked like an eagle flying. 4:8Each
one of the four living creatures had six wings31 and
was full of eyes all around and inside.32 They nev�er rest day or night
Holy, holy holy...

They can see all over the world, Heaven and Hell and earth and all of God's creations, they never stop working for GOD and praise him day and night, the lion is a symbol of God's strength which is The Holy Spirit - For GOD stands up - the one that is like a man sees all the deeds of man, the good and the bad and this is a human creature which is the Holy Ghost, for GOD raises His hands... the third creature has six wings, this be six different questions to answer in accorance to deciding on doing God's will or not, and this is another being created by GOD which we know not of yet but this will be revealed when Jesus returns, and I will call him.. The Holy Trinity, and the forth is an eagle flying and this is the ymbolism of the freedom that Jesus gives when you repent in Him... flying to The Kingdom Of GOD. I will call him the Holy Rosery for deep, deep Prayer but NOT to mary who is a Servant of God but to God and jesus.
"Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!"


dear entire sos,

i have what seemed like glue in my hair... turns out there is a pool of blood coming out from my skull sticking all my hear and scalp together... I guess i must have been hit in the night... it doesn't hurt, but the mass of blood is a bother to me...... is THAT concerning the judges?? It should be!!

but no, i am told that my Truthful knowledge of baylon the great is concerning the judges!! Judges, of all things, don't ever let 666 be of any concern to you - it is not worth your time or energy. i truly am an angel, for i truly AM standing at the side of the battle field in Heaevn with GOD standing infront of me, and HE has stopped the battle until Jesus returns...................................For GOD knows that I speak Truth.

First I will quickly tell you about this and then I will work on God's Ten Commandments tonight.

I am going to make a seperate e-mail account for everything to do with babylon the great. I will seperate it from the case. This will be the second account for Theodore and zac too.

It is within the case as there is the constant question of:these people pychology: exactly what is causing these people here to murder... is it thier fault and their own free will? Or is it the devil forcing them to do so? is this caused by a far worse evil, and is THAT to blame and not them as people who were once innoocent and happy joyful loving little babies who hadn't ever harmed? What went wrong...

All I know is that they all started selling theri souls to the devil... and then what happened? Hrm... (These people worship demonic entities, for this IS THE TRUTH. For GOD KNOWS) This is also on the account, despite my question as to their own murderous actions psychology going unanswered...

...for Theodore and zac who can hear and see the numbers just as well as I can. They share the same gift as I do from GOD, for they are both Angels. We can all three of us communicate with the Spirit world and see them all clearly, as can lorna byrne who has written about the devil coming to her home and to her room and she spoke to satan telling him that "I choose GOD over you."

Lorna also saw a Poltergeist and ran for her life from it with her dad who also witnesses this demon......... she has come accross ghosts and trapped souls.... more, more, more.

I give you the same advice as I give to Theodore and Zac........ Ignore it completely. Do not dismiss my explanations of the words babylon uses to win people over...... using ssong lyrics, mainly....... this is true and if you don't know this, you will not pass armageddon when jesus returns.

For now, judges I need you all to ACCEPT that Jacky newcolmb, Lorna Byrne, Theodore, Zac, myself, and all of God's people of the Holy Bible including Jesus's deciples and Jesus Christ himself can and do have the gift of knowledge of the Spirit realm.

This is the truth. babylon the great appears in The Book of Revelation, and the devil throughout the entire of ALL Holy Books, both belong to ALL religions and beliefs on this planet earth - everybody knows exactly what they are... and that they are evil... and that they are in a battle of Heaven against Archangel Michael and GODs Army of Angels, and what the enire world knows since the beginning of time is that they will NOT win, but will be destroyed.

Is it so difficult to believe that there is a person or two who can hear them?

Untill jesus returns, put these e-mails behind you, but come back to them and share them with everyone when jesus returns, for then you will know this to be the exact truth of GOD.

Sandlephon is here explaining evil to me..... as he explains, I go (their psychology) to take my medicine and smokes. speak soon. No more concern, please. xxx

An Angel. 

A mothers Faith.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz