Writting About Your Children...

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Now, I could show you more examples of witness statements or show you our own reports from CPS agencies, but you know exactly what to get and have in writting as your word witness staements and already have many, you know exactly what they are, and i don't want to bother you with more depressing reports full of c*.... false claims and the like. I will tell you to write your arguments editing in PDF form all reports from social system agencies together with an UPDATED comment on them all at the end stating: What I know now about and regarding this which we did not know then, relevant information.
Now, you are of course going to be 1. Writting a book for your children because you love them and personally i wrote a sonic book, which i will show you the first chapter of and you can read the rest on my Whattpadd account.
2. You are going to be again talking about your children endlessly, now, revealing that one of your sons was kidnapped at birth and you have called him Truth, you will be trying to find him with all your heart and ability. if anybody asks me I say Truth is the Truth. Looking at a map i know that he is in berwick, Pensilvania. Looking on google images i can see photos of places that i know he recognises, and i have been watching him for a long time now, so i will show you some more e-mails writting about caitlin, Lucas and Truth.
Your children who you lost are not forgotten...... I said a Prayer for my son Elija who i lost at 8 months pregnant two years ago. It doesn't have to be long or detailed, but understand that to some mothers it is too painful and they are still grieving, so they cannot talk or say much about thier lost son........... Thank you for listening. As continued...


"Dear GOD and JESUS,

Please, I have told my family and friends a lot but not nearly enough.... Please, let Jesus return now (That's not the right word.) or PLEASE, Let me go into labour now and have our son.
i really need a baby to love because nobody loves me and him to show love and care and attention back to because i show people love but nobody wants it from me but him and You all. He needs love. I know that you will keep him safe. We could get out of here tomorrow. Ben says its unrealistic but i'm believing that anything is possible with GOD.
In GODS name and word I trust.
Yours, Mary.

(about a year ago.)


Another thing I have noticed about Caitlin is that she has superbly fleeting emotions, which would be completely normal for a young teenager of her age, and LUCAS is exactly the same - for they are both either hot or cold, there is no inbetween... with either. Truth is very stable all the time but majorly depressed... all the time. Caitlin has what I call "Good days and bad days" and for me its just lucky which one i catch her on, not that i mind, i love seeing here ALWAYS but the bad days concern me greatly, for when she is having a good day she is very overly happy and laughing at everything, but when she has a bad day she is FAR TOO quiet and reserved... to extremes. Lucas feels emotions to the fullest... no matter which emotion, one can read it easily, it is always clear.
Lucas suffers from ADD AND ADHD and Dylexia and other learning difficulties and is having major problems learning in school....... He is also claimed as having concerns about "bahavioral problems" - WHY has nobody ever diagnosed Hyperactivity disorder?? He needs to be treated accordingly. AARON also Evidently suffers from ADHD, but NOT ADD and I am adamant that these two are, indeed and absolutely, Different to each other.
Caitlin is highly, highly, highly intelligent, for she is in fact a genius, but her mind works differently to the way that the education system teaches, and while she is excelling in LANGUAGES more than any other subject getting 11 or of 10 and 110 out of 100 for English, German, Luxembourgish and French, her Guardian Angel says that she would greatly benefit from having a Tutor and that this would be a dream come true, and for Lucas's tutor i would like him to take what are called Zen classes which are teahcing children to learn in a completely different way and a lot easier... This is a specialised type of learning.
Little Luke's Guardian Angel Elija says Luke will grow up to be a world leader and will make history!! This be the Truth!!
However, Caitlin will still need a lot of friends... on her bad days, I know, she is a lot closer to a several select ones and a lot quieter with the others and on her good days she is in communication with 200 friends and people, this including texting Sonic The Hedgehog characters!!! Super!
(I've also noticed that Caitlin stuggles with reading longer pieces of text... she also always answers in short answers... this is interesting to me, but throublesome to me as i would LOVE for her to read books...! She says she has indeed read "Angel Wings" and others by Jacky Newcolm - i'll try her on one of Lorna Byrne's longer books and see how it goes... ) Lucas struggles immensely with reading and writting and even sitting still or standing without moving for any more than 3 seconds is an impossablity to me son.... Aaron can manage for about 10 seconds longer, then he too is immediately on the move!!
Lucas struggles with languages too... I will have to speak fluent English to him and surround him with English, and Aaron, for Caitlin no language is a problem... for luke... he needs some support.
Thank you for listening.

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