Part 5

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The moment I put Lisa in the passenger seat of the car and started running, I regretted it. 

She's trying to kill me even in the car. Seriously? While I'm driving? That's a trick. It's okay. I can handle a car with this crazy girl.


Yes! It's a chance now. She is driving a car and both of her hands are used. The moment I tried to move, she held me down with one hand. Her fingertips are on the point under my chin, and she will be able to faint me in an instant. Shit. Why does she move so fast?

"If you try something next time, I'll drive putting you on my lap." She says without even looking at me.

She won't dare. I tried to get out of her arms again. 

Wait what? 

I'm on her lap. She locks my feet in with her both feet, and one hand is holding my stomach. 


I desperately tried to be released from her, but she doesn't move at all. I mean, she continue to drive with a completely indifferent face to me who is literally on her lap. Are you kidding me?

My hands are held with my tummy, and no matter how much I move, I can't move one of her arms. What kind of muscles does she have? 

I was defeated while frozen. What should I do? Anyway, I want her to drop me in the passenger seat.

"Let me go!" I almost cried.

"I didn't lie, Lisa. You'll stay like this until we get home."

"This way of driving is illegal!"

She laughed a little. "It's illegal to keep you alive, pretty girl. I'm doing this for a fucking order from the government. They won't be able to arrest me."

I gave up when I noticed that resistance was of no use.

After a moment of silence, she asked. "How old are you?"

When I was silent, she started talking. "Look, I know you don't want to say anything, but we're going to live together. I need to know at least a few things."

She's right. It would be inconvenient if I didn't know her name.

I was tired of sitting upright and leaned against her. "What's your name?"

"Tell me your age first, and then I'll tell you that."

Why is she so obsessed with my age? It doesn't matter. I want her name. 


She hummed and asked again. "Do you have any allergies?"

"I don't care about my fucking allergies! I told you my age, you'll tell me your name!"

She laughed a little. "Chaeyoung. The English name is Rosanne." 

 Chaeyoung. That's the name of the person I'm going to live with from now on. I muttered her name and hummed her.

"I still need to know your allergies, Lisa. I don't want you to suffer."

Huh? Does she care about me? I almost said it, but it stopped on the verge. I haven't learned anything, Lisa. There is no guarantee that she won't use it to make me suffer. I will never again make the mistake of saying my weaknesses. 

"Strawberry." I lied and told Chaeyoung my favorite food. I will be able to eat a lot of strawberries from tomorrow.


She then drove still putting me on her lap without saying anything.

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