Part 6

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I love you, Alice, really. The house where I couldn't see the floor, which was like a trash can, is now incredibly clean. I sincerely hope that Alice didn't see a bloody weapon or something.

Lisa is silent, but she can't be hiding her surprise. If my house brought feelings to this girl, at least it's something.

She clearly lied earlier. Strawberries are not her allergy. Is it a food she doesn't like? Well, I love strawberries, so that's a good thing. I don't share what I like.

But it's a problem that you don't know her allergies. Did Jason test her blood? It's fine if she can get rid of it herself, but allergies like milk is the worst. Actually, it's really troublesome not to know which food is her allergy. 

Is her age also a lie? 19? It's young. I'm only 5 years older than her, but 19... What the fuck did make her want to kill people all over the world at 19?


It's not good to take my eyes off Lisa. I can already see that she has a knife from my kitchen. 

It's okay. Even if she had a gun instead of a knife, she wouldn't be able to kill me. 

I held her from behind and gently took the knife from her hand. "Bad girl. It will be used from now on. Do something else." 

Yes, she couldn't even see my movements. She is stiff with her big eyes wide open. 

I want to make her favorite food, using this knife, but she won't say her favorite food, and I'm sure there's only beer in the refrigerator.

I released her. "Do what you like. Watch TV or whatever. You have a room, but there's nothing yet. I'm going to make pasta with tomato sauce now. Your chance to say allergies is now, Lisa."

"I said I was allergic to strawberries." She snaps.

"It's a good allergy. I won't give you strawberries. Seriously, you won't die from tomato sauce pasta, right? That's a little troublesome."

She glared at me a little and left the kitchen without saying anything. If she dies from pasta, it's not my fault.

While making pasta, she is walking around the living room looking completely restless. Can't she play games or something on her smartphone?


She doesn't have a smartphone. It seems that I need to buy one for her. This is definitely a job's expense. I didn't buy a smartphone for a crazy girl. I need to go shopping tomorrow. I have to buy the furniture in her room and what she needs. Well... what does she need? I don't buy what she needs to kill people. 

The only memories of when I was 19 years old are those of ESI, and I'm only trained to kill people, so I don't know what a 19-year-old girl needs. I should ask someone.

I served the pasta on a plate and put it on the table.

"Lisa? It's time to eat! Come here."

"I'm not hungry." 

Lie. She shouldn't have eaten anything since this morning, and now it's fucking 7 pm. She is too thin and she needs to eat.

"Then you want to eat on my lap?"

She snaps her head towards me. At that moment, there was a loud noise from her stomach. I suppressed my laughter and said, "Don't take a long time, cute girl. pasta tastes better when it doesn't get cold."

Her cheeks were a little red, and she quietly followed me.

When I give her a fork, she stares at the pasta as if the pasta in front of her is the enemy of life.

"There is no poison in it."

She glared at me, scooped a small pasta with a fork and carried it to her mouth. "That's not good."

Fuck, rude girl! When I glared at her, she seems she can't stop carrying the fork to her mouth. She is such a liar. A grin spread in my mouth, and I stared at her eating with incredible speed.

"You can eat it more slowly. Food doesn't run away."

"How many minutes should I finish eating?"

What? How did she grow up? Or does it take her 2 hours to eat or something?

"There is no time limit, Lisa. I'd be happy if it doesn't take more than 2 hours."

She was looking at me like she can't believe me, and I felt a little sorry for this crazy girl. Who on earth has a limit on meal time? You should eat as you like. I want to eat it too, but I think she won't let me eat at the same table as her. 

I leaned against the wall of the kitchen, and looked at her eating pasta.

Her eating speed is slowing down. Good.

I will make sure that she eats delicious food every day.

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