Part 23

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I woke up to find Chaeyoung had already been to work, and my heart sank a little. Stupid heart. But it's true that I miss her. Hell, what kind of work is she actually doing? I don't know exactly what she does at work in the first place. All I know is that she's fucking strong. 

An idea suddenly came to my mind, and I grinned.

I'm going to see her.

Her workplace and her house are close, and it was easy to recall how to get to there. I looked up and stared at the huge building. So fucking huge. I didn't see how massive this building was at all when I came here on the day I met Chaeyoung. The only thing in my head was killing people. 

When I went inside, a lot of people seemed to be busy. Everyone is wearing apparently expensive suits and it's completely clear that here is not for people like me. I was just wearing a white sweater and jeans, and they glanced at me strangely. Maybe I shouldn't have come here. Well, I don't care. Actually I really care, but it's okay. I won't go home until I meet Chaeyoung.

"Miss Park? That's the worst." I heard someone talking.

"Definitely. Get things worse, she seemed to be mad as hell this morning. For god's sake, I don't want to die today."

I finally found them. The one who doesn't want to die today is wearing a black suit like everyone else, looks a little tired. I approached and talked to him.

"Hello. I, you know Chaeyoung?"

He frown. "Chaeyoung? Who is that?"

"Chaeyoung...ah, Roseanne! Roseanne Park."

"You mean Miss Park? You call her Chaeyoung? It's the first time I've seen someone call her like that other than Miss Kim. Are you her friend or something?"

Friends, I guess? What on earth are we? "Maybe? Do you know which floor she is on? I need to meet her."

He looked at me with a look of sympathy. "In that outfit? I strongly recommend you to change your clothes. She hates not to be professional. And, she's getting more and more angry than usual. I'm talking to her first. She gets furious every time more people talk. hope you can come back alive, bro."

Why is he talking like Chaeyoung is the most horrible person in the world? I think Chaeyoung is kind. I've never seen her angry. Probably she was when I saw her for the first time. But even at that time, she wasn't so scared.

"Are you afraid of her?" I asked him.

"I'm afraid? No. I'm fucking terrified at her. She's like a demon. Don't you know her? I thought you were her friend, whatever. Anyway, she's an ice queen. No one can complain to her cause she is the one who handles our failures, but the boss shouldn't be so terrifying. And you know what? She is a working machine. She finishes the work that takes a week if we do, within one fucking day. Maybe she's not getting home."

No. She gets home every day. At five.

He suddenly stopped talking, made a sign of  the cross, and knocked on the door.

"Who the fuck is next?" 

Chaeyoung. This is Chaeyoung's voice. It's much lower than what I always hear. She seems to be really really furious.

"Uh, I..."

Chaeyoung cut him off. "Get in now. Get to the point. Do not fucking stutter."

He tried to enter the room leaving me here, but I entered with him. He gave me a horrible expression and desperately tried to stop me, but it's in vain.

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